“No End of Vinyl” reviewed by Skug

DJ Pure greift sein erstes, komplett digital produziertes und 1999 auf Mego veröffentlichtes Album »the.end.of.vinyl« wieder auf. Dazu hat er zehn KünstlerInnen eingeladen, die Stücke von damals neu zu interpretieren. Entstanden ist – abgesehen von der erfrischend ironischen Auseinandersetzung mit der eigenen Arbeit – ein überraschend zugängliches Album, das auch trotz der Vielzahl an ProtagonistInnen …

“M.M.M.M.”, an installation by Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais, opens next Monday

“M.M.M.M.” is an installation created by Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais, with the collaboration of Lia, for the temporary exhibits room of the Puppet Museum of Porto. “M.M.M.M.” was inspired by the Puppet Theater of Porto and its museum. The installation evokes the movements and memories of the puppets exhibited, using sounds collected through the …

Simon Whetham live in Porto

Next wednesday, January 29th, we will be very honored to welcome Simon Whetham for an unmissable solo performance at Porto’s Passos Manuel. Simon has so far released two albums in Crónica, “Mic.Madeira” (with Hugo Olim, in 2011) and “Never So Alone” (in 2013), as well as the wonderful “Crossovers” compilation, available as a free download. …

Futurónica 106

Episode 106 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, January 24th. The playlist of Futurónica 106 is comprised of pieces from “Phonon”, a project of Hugo Paquete for the Institute of Viral Sonology with contributions by Anton Mobin, …

“Ab OVO” reviewed by RNE3 Atmosféra

Comenzamos el programa con el nuevo trabajo de @c, “Ab Ovo” y un montaje con dos de sus tracks para tener una visión más amplia de este trabajo que se deriva de la banda sonora que el artista realizó para OVO, una obra de teatro de marionetas de Oporto, que estuvo en cartel a finales …

“Meubles” reviewed by RNE3 Atmosféra

Arturas BumÅ¡teinas es un reconocido artista visual y compositor lituano conocido por vosotros, porque hemos ido presentando su obra en Atmósfera desde hace tiempo. Arturas nos presenta ahora “Meubles” un disco con cuatro piezas creadas con varios métodos de composición a partir de las experiencias vividas por el artista durante una gira por Europa. Las …

“Concret-Sens” reviewed by Déphasage

The show ended with Emmanuel Mieville and “Concret-Sens” released on Cronica at the end of the last year. This french sound artist is close to the electroacoustic school of the GRM from which he took some teaching. This is not a coincidence if he has chosen this title that is a reference to an adjective …