Author Archives: Miguel Carvalhais
New release: Philippe Petit‘s “Attractive Apesanteur“
It’s new release day, and our last in 2024, introducing Philippe Petit’s “Attractive Apesanteur“, a prelude for a forthcoming release in 2025! Season’s greetings, everyone; see you in January!
Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by Audion
Emiter’s “Repetition and Memory” reviewed by Anxious
Nagrywanie, słuchanie, ruch, rytm. Istnieje wiele śladów, które tworzą nieskończone możliwości łączenia w nowe jakości. Ślady, nagrywanie, czas, częstotliwość. Powtarzanie i pamięć. Alan Burdick pisze, że „Złota era ucha nigdy się nie skończyła (…) Trwa, zasłonięta hegemonią wizualności”, ale „Historia ucha” rozbrzmiewa w zapomnieniu. Marcin Dymiter – muzyk (gra w projektach emiter, niski szum, ZEMITER oraz …
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Simon Whetham’s “Successive Actions” reviewed by Chain DLK
Simon Whetham’s “Successive Actions” is not so much an album as it is a murmuring labyrinth of discarded whispers, a requiem for obsolete machines played on their own brittle bones. In this latest iteration of his “Channelling” project, Whetham transforms the detritus of consumer technology – motors, mechanisms, and malfunctions – into an orchestra of …
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Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” reviewed by The Wire
New release: Miguel A. García & Coeval: “Laliguras”
Coming close to the end of 2024 but not winding down in any way, we’re thrilled to present a new release by Miguel A. García and Coeval, their second collaboration in Crónica after last year’s Huncill. Laliguras is a wonder of “nuances, progressions, regressions and contradictions” in the words of Ulzion in his text about …
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Bruno Duplant’s “Écouter les Fantômes” reviewed by Music Map
Credete ai fantasmi? Se sì, questo disco può spaventarvi. Altrimenti, può affascinarvi. L’artista francese Bruno Duplant è un compositore e polistrumentista che si è fatto conoscere nel campo della musique concrète. Tradotto: la musica concreta non utilizza né note né ritmi. Elabora suoni e rumori per restituire una parvenza di realtà oggettiva, per l’appunto concreta. Fin …
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Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” reviewed by Loop
Researcher and sound artist Matilde Meireles focuses on using field recordings to compose about various ecosystems such as complex aquatic ecologies, the resonances of everyday objects, local neighbourhoods and the architecture of radio signals. Her work is presented in concerts, installations, record releases, community projects and academic publications. She holds a PhD in Sonic Arts …
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Simon Whetham’s “Successive Actions” reviewed by African Paper
Crónica bringen eine neue CD des britischen “Environmental Sound Artist” Simon Whetham heraus. “Successive Actions” ist eine Wiederholung einer größeren kinetischen Soundperformance-Projektreihe, in der laut Label “verschiedene aus veralteter und weggeworfener Verbrauchertechnologie geborgene Motorgeräte durch das Abspielen von Tonaufnahmen aktiviert werden. Dadurch entstehen wiederum neue Klänge aus den Geräten, die mit verschiedenen Mikrofonen und Techniken …
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