“Roha” reviewed by Polyphonia

Austriacki eksperymentator wÅ‚aÅ›nie wydaÅ‚ swój pierwszy solowy album. Andreasa Trobollowitscha należy kojarzyć z projektami Nörz i Acker Velvet. PÅ‚ytÄ™ tego drugiego przedsiÄ™wziÄ™cia opublikowaÅ‚a warszawska wytwórnia Monotype Records. Artysta korzysta z różnego instrumentarium (m.in. kontrabas, gitara elektryczna), ale na tym nie poprzestaje i czÄ™sto projektuje wÅ‚asne instrumenty, których brzmienia przepuszcza przez elektronikÄ™. Ważnym skÅ‚adnikiem kompozycji Trobollowitscha …

“Roha” reviewed by Aural Aggravation

It’s not a criticism to state that oftentimes, the material on Roha feels more like a collection of sounds than a succession of actual compositions. There’s a certain randomness about the sounds, which range from clanking, arrhythmic percussive sounds, squeaks, tweets and flutters, groans and drones and distant, barely audible and completely indecipherable speech. There …

“Roha” reviewed by Tiny Mix Tapes

“…the real-world sounds are transformed into elements that make up some part of a musical experience, and this is a kind of appropriation of their identities… Even in a piece in which the source sounds are so heavily processed as to be unrecognizable… the fact remains that specific sounds are being used, and by extension, …

“Roha” reviewed by Amusio

Mit Roha (Crónica) entzieht sich Andreas Trobollowitsch jener formalen Vorgaben, die seine bisherigen Veröffentlichungen, darunter auch die mit Nörz und Acker Velvet, aus einer dezidiert elektroakustisch generierten Perspektive argumentieren ließen. Seine Manipulationen von primär improvisierten Ausgangsmaterial bringt den Klangforscher hier nun in die Nähe dessen, was gemeinhin als „Musik“ verstanden und rezipiert wird. Ein Zug, …

New release: Andreas Trobollowitsch’s “Roha”

ROHA is the first solo album by Andreas Trobollowitsch. Previously a member of the duos Nörz and Acker Velvet, he produced two highly acclaimed albums, released through Schraum (Berlin) and Monotyp Records (Warsaw), and in collaboration with David Schweighart, he composed the soundtrack for the 1920’s cinema series Digi Wave for the Filmarchiv- Austria. As …

“Roha” reviewed by nitestylez.de

Another one that’s soon to come on Portugal’s Cronica Electronica-imprint is the labels cat.no. 105, Andreas Trobollowitsch’ eight track album piece “Roha”. On this album we see the 1980-born artist combine elements of droning, (neo)classical compository techniques with an electro-acoustic approach, close contact pick-up microphones and prepared instruments, preferrably but not exclusively taken from the …