We’re very happy to announce the release of Jos Smolder’s Textuur 2 his second release in this series in Crónica. This album is part 3 in a series where Smolders investigates processes to strip sounds from their original context and slice them into tiny bits.
Each Textuur project is built up in a similar fashion. There are two groups of sound. First there are the collections which consist of samples of the original material. The other group consists of various permutations. The samples from the collections are torn apart into threads of various widths and subsequently rewoven into a new synthetic fabric. Sound is thus stripped from its original value and meaning and resynthesized into a new texture. Each permutation is the result of a fresh approach and listeners are invited to design their own permutation or permutation of the permutation.
In Textuur 3 Smolders worked from recordings of an automated customer distribution system, in Textuur 2, Smolders investigates the immersion of dance music into an electroacoustic environment.
Textuur 2 is now available as a limited release CD, and for stream or download.