New release: @c + Jérôme Noetinger‘s “Expansão“

Expansão stems from a performance in July 2022 in Porto. This performance was commissioned by Sonoscopia that hosted a residency leading to it. During that period the three musicians explored synergies in their approaches to music-making with electronics, computers, and concrete sound, preparing structures and strategies that would shape the performance. Similarities, intersections, tensions, contrasts, …

New release: Miguel A. García & Coeval: “Laliguras”

Coming close to the end of 2024 but not winding down in any way, we’re thrilled to present a new release by Miguel A. García and Coeval, their second collaboration in Crónica after last year’s Huncill. Laliguras is a wonder of “nuances, progressions, regressions and contradictions” in the words of Ulzion in his text about …

New release: Emiter’s “Repetition and Memory”

We’re proud to present Emiter’s first release in Crónica, his EP “Repetition and Memory”. Recording, listening, movement, rhythm. There are many traces that create infinite possibilities to combine into new qualities. Traces, recording, time, frequency. Repetition and memory. Alan Burdick writes that “The golden age of the ear never ended (…) It continues, veiled by …

New release: Simon Whetham’s “Successive Actions”

Successive Actions is an iteration of the larger kinetic sound performance project series Channelling in which various motor devices, salvaged from obsolete and discarded consumer technology, are activated by playing sound recordings through them. In turn, this produces new sounds from the devices, which are amplified using various microphones and techniques.The title comes from Dirk Raaijmakers’s The …

New release: Hannes Strobl’s “Weben Song”

“The things around us speak like housings that make something sound, like musical instruments…” wrote Jacob Böhme in 1622 in his work De signatura rerum. While working on a performance-installation (doublelucky productions) at the former Leipzig Cotton Mill (founded in 1884 and at the time the largest cotton mill in continental Europe), I began experimenting …

New release: Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.”

Loop. And Again. delves into the dynamics of magnetic fields, intricate wiring arrangements, and their interconnectedness with the shifts in the surrounding landscape. The album is part of X Marks the Spot, a larger project which used sound to map specific telecommunication boxes—only those emitting an audible drone—in the city of Belfast between 2013-2019. In the project, …

New release: Marc Behrens’s “Clould”

After the recent release of Aiear, we’re now immensely happy to present the second and final part of the Clould cycle, in a limited-release CD with a 16-page booklet. The title Clould convolutes the words cloud, hinting at humankind’s fascination of supposed supernatural beings that lived in clouds or created them, and could, a potentiality. Historical mythologies …

New release: Miguel A. García & Àlex Reviriego’s “Heralds de l’hivern”

Miguel A. García and Àlex Reviriego have long careers in experimental music, free improvisation, electronics and the most risky metal. In recent years they have collaborated in various projects with other musicians, but this album is their first project as a duo. García and Reviriego act as guides, like Stalkers, on a sonic journey divided …

New release: Marc Behrens’s “Aiear”

Airplane noise interrupted my early outdoor sound recording attempts in the forests around Frankfurt. And so, after a while, I figured I would kick the pastoral, turn the concept upside down, and specifically record the airplane noise instead. Aiear was planned as a field recording project since 1996. In 2023 I resumed the project and composed …

New release: Síria’s “Mahe Man / Mau Jeito”

Síria is back! After the two fantastic albums Boa-Língua and Cuspo, Diana Combo’s Síria is back with two new tracks, Mahe Man, composed with Jeremy Young after the Persian song Bote Chin by Ali Akbar Sheyda, and Mau Jeito, composed by Kaveh Sarvarian and remixed by @c. Mahe Man / Mau Jeito is now available to …