New release: Hannes Strobl’s “Diffraction”

Diffraction explores the idea that emptiness and form are inextricably linked. Every sound emerges in interaction with the silence that precedes and follows it. Yet even in supposed silence, something remains audible—a faint murmur, a subtle vibration, an echo of the surroundings. Pauses here are not empty spaces but active forms that shape the context for …

New release: Hannes Strobl’s “Weben Song”

“The things around us speak like housings that make something sound, like musical instruments…” wrote Jacob Böhme in 1622 in his work De signatura rerum. While working on a performance-installation (doublelucky productions) at the former Leipzig Cotton Mill (founded in 1884 and at the time the largest cotton mill in continental Europe), I began experimenting …

Hannes Strobl’s “Transformation Sonor” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

HANNES STROBL, bekannt durch Tamtam (mit Sam Auinger) oder P.O.P. (mit Reinhold Friedl, Nora Krahl & Elena Kakaliagou), den interessiert bei Transformation Sonor (215, digital) der gleitende Übergang zwischen musikalischen Situationen. Mikrotöne und lang­same Glissandi, die er mit electric upright bass und Elena Kakaliagou mit Waldhorn into­nieren. Klassischer Dröhnminimalismus also in Niblock-, Tenney-, Radigue-Gefilden. Summ …

Hannes Strobl’s “Transformation Sonor“ reviewed by Ambient Blog

Without it being explicitly mentioned, one could say that Transformation Sonor by Hannes Strobl is also very much in line with the music and sound of Eliane Radigue: ‘Transformation Sonor explores the idea of process, of the slow transition from one musical situation to another, of transformation on the threshold of equivalence and differentiation. Expressive, outward gestures that allow the sound …

New release: Hannes Strobl’s “Transformation Sonor”

We’re very proud to present a new release by Hannes Strobl, Transformation Sonor, a composition that explores the idea of process, of the slow transition from one musical situation to another, of transformation on the threshold of equivalence and differentiation. Expressive, outward gestures that allow the sound to fade into the background are avoided. Sound …

New release: Tamtam’s “A100”

A100, the sound of the Berlin city highway. The A100 is not just an infrastructural system occupying expanses of urban space, it is also a city-building force with massive physical, media and political presence. It generates a pulse of city life. It exerts influence over Berlin’s identity as a symbol of progress, of self-promotion and …

Futurónica 179

Episode 179 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, November 11th. The playlist of Futurónica 179 is: Tamtam, Urban Dialog (2016, Urban Dialog, Crónica) You can follow Rádio Zero’s broadcasts at and Rádio Manobras at

New podcast: tamtam

In summer 2005 we spend a week doing outdoor recordings in Innsbruck. Our goal is to create a composition of and with city sounds. The geographical situation of the city nourishes the idea behind the composition… Nestled in the Inntal valley, closed off to the north by the Nordkette mountain chain, in the south by …