Philippe Petit’s “Closing Our Eyes” reviewed by African Paper

Das neue Album “Closing Our Eyes” von Philippe Petit erscheint am 1. April bei Crónica. Es vereint elektronische und akustische Elemente zu einer Serie von Kompositionen, die laut Label dazu anregen sollen, eigene innere Bilder entstehen zu lassen. Petit setzt damit seine Auseinandersetzung mit Klang als viefältiges Ausdrucksmittel fort und entwickelt die Ansätze früherer Arbeiten …

Kunrad’s “Kleine Geluiden” reviewed by Music Map

Sin dai suoi primi anni di attività, Kunrad, artista olandese di stanza a L’Aia, ha creato composizioni e installazioni per restituire valore ai suoni più quotidiani. Si inserisce in questo stesso solco anche la sua ultima fatica discografica (uscita per Crónica Records), “Kleine Geluiden”, che in italiano si potrebbe tradurre con “piccoli suoni”. Ad alimentare …

Kunrad’s “Kleine Geluiden” reviewed by Felt Hat

Some albums come across as something subtle and almost unnoticeable. Not in a negative way, on the contrary. Kunrad’s new cd released by the Portuguese label Crónica is a great example of how a sound art modal can be blended with art installation and field recording. It is an important aspect of his work – …

Kunrad’s “Kleine Geluiden” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

KUNRAD arbeitet als Klangkünstler in Den Haag mit Metall, Papier und Lehm und bei seinen Installationen etwa mit 1.000 kleinen Messingröhrchen, ins Wasser geworfenen Steinen oder Gummihämmern mit einer Brücke als Klang­skulptur. Das hört man als ‘Brass & Sand’, ‘Stones & Water’ und ‘Bridge & Hammer’ auf Kleine Geluiden (C 230), neben der 3-teiligen ‘Water & Paper …

@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by Percussive Notes

For Percussion is a collection of six electronic tracks with various acoustic elements incorporated into the recordings. Some of these tracks were recorded live during performances from 2002 to 2008, while others have been recently revisited in 2022. The electronic components and core compositions were created by @c a duo composed of Miguel Carvalhais and …

Miguel A. García’s “Eraginie” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Some years ago Miguel A. García informed me he was starting to work with string ensembles and classical players, directing musicians who can sight-read music to play his scores or execute directions in music devised by him. This represented quite a departure from his usual solo work with laptops, mixing desk, and processed recordings. I keep hoping …

Kunrad’s “Kleine Geluiden” reviewed by African Paper

“Kleine Geluiden”, das neue Album des niederländischen Künstlers Kunrad alias Koenraad L. de Groot, erscheint am 18. Februar bei Crónica als limitierte CD und digitaler Download. Die Veröffentlichung kompiliert Aufnahmen aus seinen Klanginstallationen und Performances der letzten sechs Jahre, in denen er, wie er es beschreibt, “die kleinen, oft überhörten Klänge unseres Alltags feiert und …

“Lisboa Soa, Sounds Within Sounds” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Four contemporary field-recording types from Portugal on Lisboa Soa: Sounds within Sounds (CRÓNICA207-2023). Lisboa Soa calls itself a Festival, but it seems to be a lot more than that – growing some sort of locus for like-minded fellows to gather and thrive, and propounding the notion of “acoustic ecology”, grounded in ethical ideas about our shared environment. They believe …

Philippe Petit’s “Closing Our Eyes” reviewed by Vital Weekly

A new album by Philippe Petit, and they come by quite often these days. “Closing Our Eyes” is a 45-minute exploration of the boundaries between acoustic and electronic music, one of Philippe’s recurrent exercises. The promo sheet we always get with Crónica releases gives a little overview. He started with recontextualising Mahler’s first symphony, ‘Cordophony’, …