Simon Whetham’s “Successive Actions” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Music by Simon Whetham we reviewed quite a bit. ‘Successive Actions’ is already his fifth release for Cronica and another apparition of his “kinetic sound performance project series ‘Channelling’ in which various motor devices, salvaged from obsolete and discarded consumer technology, are activated by playing sound recordings through them. This produces new sounds from the …

Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by African Paper

Crónica bringen Mitte Februar eine neue CD von Philippe Petit heraus, auf der der Klangkünstler – inspiriert von Dante Alighieris La Divina Comedia und den Illustrationen von Gustave Doré – “eine symphonische Palette musikalischer Pigmente, bildnerischer Töne und Texturen, die das epische Narrativ mit einer expressionistischen musikalischen Form versöhnen”, wie es beim Label heißt. Petitis …

Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by Musique Machine

A Divine Comedy is a two-disc journey into jarring, shifting, moody, at points decidedly hellish electro-symphonic-come-electro-acoustic sound scaping from French musician, journalists and radio DJ Philippe Petit. The release is themed around/roughly based on the 18th-century poem of the same name by Dante Alighieri. The release comes presented in a mini card gatefold- on its …

Matilde Meireles’s “Loop. And Again.” reviewed by Vital Weekly

From Matilde Meireles I reviewed a cassette before, ‘The Life Of A Potato’ (see Vital Weekly 1316), for the same label, now releasing, ‘Loop. And Again’, which isn’t the same colourful title as before. Meireles uses field recordings to compose site-oriented projects., and “investigates the potential of listening across spectrums and scales as ways to attune …

Bruno Duplant’s “Écouter les Fantômes” reviewed by SilenceAndSound

La musique créée par Bruno Duplant parle directement avec une part profonde de ma quête artistique personnelle, celle de chercher à nous éloigner de la réalité pour pénétrer dans quelque chose d’impermanent et de mystérieux. Ecouter les fantômes déforme une part de notre dimension familière, pour en extraire un matériau se dissolvant dans un espace …

Bruno Duplant’s “Écouter les Fantômes” reviewed by Radiohoerer

Bruno Duplant als Multimediakünstler zu bezeichnen, ist wohl die einzige Möglichkeit, seinem Werk in seiner Gesamtheit gerecht zu werden. Er komponiert, fotografiert, schreibt und so weiter. Vielleicht ist er einer der interessantesten Künstler der Gegenwart und Michael Pisaro-Liu beschreibt das sehr treffend (siehe sein Zitat). Mit seiner neuesten Veröffentlichung versucht er, das Unsichtbare, das Geisterhafte, …

Bruno Duplant’s “Écouter les Fantômes” reviewed by Anxious

Działająca już od 2003 roku portugalska wytwórnia Crónica może pochwalić się wieloma wspaniałymi wydawnictwami. W jej katalogu znajdujemy płyty takich artystów, jak: Philippe Petit, Gintas K, Matilde Meireles, Francisco López czy Piotr Kurek. Wrzesień przynosi kolejną premierę, tym razem chodzi o album Bruno Duplanta, który w tej wytwórni już wcześniej wydawał. Sam twórca może pochwalić …

New release: Bruno Duplant’s “Écouter les Fantômes”

My music is intended to be narrative and fictional. I do the same in my practice of photography and writing. I never try to transcribe reality. This doesn’t interest me in any way. What, on the other hand, interests me, fascinates me, is, as in Écouter les fantômes, to create a sound fiction with the aim …

Marc Behrens’s “Clould” reviewed by Chain DLK

Marc Behrens’ “Clould” is an album that seems to hover somewhere between the clouds and the imagination — a liminal space where the ancient myths of the sky meet the cold reality of modern air travel. The title itself is a clever fusion of “cloud” and “could”, hinting at both the ethereal and the potential, …

Philippe Petit’s “A Divine Comedy” reviewed by Chain DLK

Ah, “A Divine Comedy”! A title as grandiose as the task at hand, and yet Philippe Petit, the ever-ambitious sonic alchemist, dives headlong into the inferno with a flair for the dramatic that would make even Dante blush. This double album is not merely a nod to Alighieri’s epic poem; it’s a full-on, spiraling descent …