Ilia Belorukov’s “Scattered Underfoot” reviewed by Silence and Sound

Fruit d’expérimentations entre sonorités électroniques et un set-up de percussions diverses, Scattered Underfoot est une oeuvre aux frontières fragiles, amas de conjugaisons sonores et de possibilités soniques.  Ilia Belorukov aime jouer avec les turbulences et les moments d’évanouissements temporels, pratiquant l’art de la surprise avec subtilité, inscrivant dans la matière des halos de lumière cicatrisée.  Les ambiances de Scattered …

New release: Ilia Belorukov’s “Scattered Underfoot”

Crónica starts the year in the best possible way, presenting the first release by Ilia Belorukov in the label. Ilia Belorukov is a musician from Saint Petersburg, Russia. He works in the directions of improvised, noise and electroacoustic music, collaborating with local and foreign musicians and performers. Ilia practices an experimental approach to sound extraction …

Ilia Belorukov’s “Scattered Underfoot” reviewed by Musique Machine

While the pandemic of 2020 changed the lives of everyone on our Earth, many artists used this period of tumult and isolation to create and dive deeper into their psyches to represent this unease and fear as gorgeous pieces of art. Ilia Belorukov is no exception, and he took his normal, home composing routine and …

Ilia Belorukov’s “Scattered Underfoot” reviewed by African Paper

Der in St. Petersburg lebende Klangbastler und Mehrfachinstrumentalist Ilia Belorukov bringt soeben sein neues Langspieltape mit vier zu Beginn der Pandemie produzierten Stücken heraus. Das Album entstand auf der Basis u.a. von diversen modularen Gerätschaften, Akustikgitarre, Becken, Drums und Drummachines, auch Feldaufnahmen und zweckentfremdete Objekte kamen zum Einsatz. Das Tape erscheint am 10. Januar bei …