New release: Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “The Uncanny Organization of Timeless Time”

We’re proud to release the new album by Haarvöl and Xoán-Xil López, created from organ improvisations in an 1801 Iberian pipe organ and further reworked with electronics and field recordings. “The Uncanny Organization of Timeless Time” includes four tracks that are involved by a counter-narrative of a strange familiarity that surrounds them and is embodied …

Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s track “The Previous Extant of the Hereafter” reviewed by Ambient Blog

A bold statement in the liner notes: ‘There is no progress in art’. (I personally would have added an exclamation mark). This is followed by some philosophical musings about the relationship of art with time, and ‘with its time.’ And about the fact that the ‘sounds we hear on this album are grouped in a harmonious relationship’, are ‘a deliberate escape from …

Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “The Uncanny Organization of Timeless Time” reviewed by Vital Weekly

In terms of abstraction, I am probably better off with Portuguese trio Haarvöl, of whom I reviewed some previous albums. Here they have a new work in which band member Xoán-Xil López (who seems to be a full-time member now) plays an Iberian Pipe Organ, and Fernando José Pereira and Joao Garia play electronics and …

Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey” reviewed by Kathodik

Il trio sperimentale portoghese Haarvöl (Pereira / Faria / Vieira) e il sound-artist, field recorder galiziano Xoán-Xil Lopez, in “Unwritten Rules For A Ceaseless Journey”, documentano una commissione per la commedia “Revoluções” del coreografo Né Barros.Tre movimenti, rappresentazione del tempo che agisce: passato/presente/futuro (utopia/realtà/trauma).Potenti e severe folate di suono metallico/dronante, cupo e incombente, denso di particolari e risuonante all’interno di micro movimentazioni organiche.Nulla …

Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey” reviewed by Nieuwe Noten

Het Portugese Haarvöl, bestaande uit de geluidskunstenaars Fernando José Pereira, João Faria en Rui Manuel Vieira, kwam hier eerder aan bod. In augustus 2017 besprak ik het bij Moving Furnitures uitgekomen â€˜Bombinate’. Inmidels verscheen vorig jaar bij ditzelfde label â€˜Peripherad Debris’ en nog maar kort geleden zag bij het eveneens Portugese Crónica â€˜Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey’ het licht. …

Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey” reviewed by Dark Entries

Unwritten Rules For A Ceaseless Journey bevat drie nummers (van telkens een kwartier) die gecomponeerd werden voor de dansvoorstelling Revoluções van choreografe Né Barros. Deze onderverdeling in stukken is niet toevallig, want ze belichamen de formele idealisaties van de drie beslissende lagen der tijd: verleden, heden en toekomst. Hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn Haarvöl, een collectief uit …