Il trio sperimentale portoghese Haarvöl (Pereira / Faria / Vieira) e il sound-artist, field recorder galiziano Xoán-Xil Lopez, in “Unwritten Rules For A Ceaseless Journeyâ€, documentano una commissione per la commedia “Revoluções†del coreografo Né Barros.Tre movimenti, rappresentazione del tempo che agisce: passato/presente/futuro (utopia/realtà /trauma).Potenti e severe folate di suono metallico/dronante, cupo e incombente, denso di particolari e risuonante all’interno di micro movimentazioni organiche.Nulla …
Tag Archives: 148
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Nieuwe Noten
Het Portugese Haarvöl, bestaande uit de geluidskunstenaars Fernando José Pereira, João Faria en Rui Manuel Vieira, kwam hier eerder aan bod. In augustus 2017 besprak ik het bij Moving Furnitures uitgekomen ‘Bombinate’. Inmidels verscheen vorig jaar bij ditzelfde label ‘Peripherad Debris’ en nog maar kort geleden zag bij het eveneens Portugese Crónica ‘Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey’ het licht. …
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Blow Up
Unwritten Rules of a Ceaseless Journey by Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Bad Alchemy
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Dark Entries
Unwritten Rules For A Ceaseless Journey bevat drie nummers (van telkens een kwartier) die gecomponeerd werden voor de dansvoorstelling Revoluções van choreografe Né Barros. Deze onderverdeling in stukken is niet toevallig, want ze belichamen de formele idealisaties van de drie beslissende lagen der tijd: verleden, heden en toekomst. Hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn Haarvöl, een collectief uit …
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Music Map
Gli Haarvöl sono una formazione elettronica e sperimentale portoghese che nel 2012 ha avviato un progetto ambizioso, con il quale tentano di esplorare le proprietà del suono per creare ambientazioni cinematiche. Qualche mese fa, il trio ha collaborato con Xoán-Xil López, musicista e sound artist originario della Galizia, anch’egli già impegnato in alcuni progetti sperimentali. …
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Rockerilla
Unwritten Rules of a Ceaseless Journey by Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations
Welcome to the 17th review in the Fluid Label Focus series on the Crónica label. Today I have for you another recent release on the label that I finally got to this month. This is the new collaborative album by Portuguese experimental group Haarvöl and field recordist and sound artist Xóan-Xil López, titled Unwritten Rules …
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Aural Aggravation
Useful points worth noting by way of a preface: Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey documents three pieces composed for dance, commissioned by Ballet Teatro for the play Revoluções (Revolutions) by choreographer Né Barros. The in three parts are designed to embody formal idealisations of the three decisive layers of time — past, present, and …
Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López’s “Unwritten Rules for a Ceaseless Journey†reviewed by Toneshift
A startlingly effective drone runs through the new collaboration between Galician artist Xoán-Xil Lópezand the trio Haarvöl (Fernando José Pereira, João Faria, and Rui Manuel Vieira) on the three stilling pieces on Unwritten Rules of a Ceaseless Journey. In 2019 to date, this is by far, my favorite record. It’s a bit breathtaking and hard to write about as …