New release: TAMTAM’s “Eleven Songs”

At the beginning of 2019, Cartsten Seiffarth at the Singuhr Projekte invited TAMTAM to develop a sound installation for the great hall at Berghain. This resulted in the work Eleven Songs – Halle am Berghain, which understood the installation space as an instrument. One consequence of this is that the individual pieces are not transferable to …

New release: TAMTAM’s “Stromschauen”

The inspiration and the recordings for the piece Stromschauen (view/look current/power) were formed during walks in Berlin/Pankow in the last days of December 2020. In a situation of urban sound environment slowed down by the Covid rules and the holidays in general, various power boxes and their whirring and humming became more noticeable. The AC …

Tamtam’s “A100” reviewed by Rimas e Batidas

Num momento singular na história moderna, as cidades esvaziaram-se de gente, o tráfego – aéreo, terrestre, marítimo – abrandou para níveis que não se registavam há décadas e, em consequência disso, entre variadíssimas recuperações ao nível ecológico, voltámos a ser confrontados com uma dimensão do silêncio há muito ausente dos grandes espaços urbanos. E este …

New release: Tamtam’s “A100”

A100, the sound of the Berlin city highway. The A100 is not just an infrastructural system occupying expanses of urban space, it is also a city-building force with massive physical, media and political presence. It generates a pulse of city life. It exerts influence over Berlin’s identity as a symbol of progress, of self-promotion and …

Tamtam’s “Rheingold” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Sam Auinger scored quite a hit with this writer in 2001, when he made Box 30/70 with Bruce Odland (appearing as O+A). I seem to recall they created a fascinating twist on the field recording genre with their innovative “box”, which sits by a roadside and does unusual things to the sound of cars rushing past. This …

Tamtam’s “Rheingold” reviewed by Oro Molido

Este trabajo se divide en dos partes. En la cara A de la casete, escuchamos remezclas de TAMTAM realizadas en el año 2017. En su contenido se modifican tratamientos sonoros realizados por Sam Auinger, bajo la superposición de frecuencias del bajo eléctrico de Hannes Stribl, y las percusiones con gongs tocadas por Robyn Schulkowsky. Basándose …

Tamtam’s “Rheingold” reviewed by Toneshift

Such is the stature of ‘Des Ring Der Nibelungen’ that even the mildest utterance of Rheingold feels somewhat brazen, a laden-thrust to the overbearing musical resonance that word conjures: yet Tamtam’s work is entirely antithetical to the Wagner opera with which it shares a moniker. Based upon hydrophone recordings of the Rhine River, the listener …

New release: Tamtam’s “Rheingold”

Living for more than 20 years in Germany means to get in touch with its big myths and traditions. The Nibelung saga is one of the major ones, leading you back and forth to Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen, one of which key-points being the treasure buried in the Rhine river. The starting points …