Futurónica #13

Episode 13 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Zero (every two weeks, on Friday nights, repeating on Tuesdays at 01h) airs tomorrow, July 30th at 21h (GMT).
The playlist for Futurónica #13 is:

  • Nurse With Wound, Beware of the African Mosquito (Ring Your Doorbell, Put You to Sleep) (2002, from Man With the Woman Face, United Dairies)
  • Ephraim Wegner, Swarm (2010, from Audible Landscapes)
  • Michel Chion, Variations (1990, from Requiem, INA-GRM)
  • Durán Vázquez, Storm Synthesizer Remix (2010, from Audible Landscapes)
  • Manu Holterback & Julia Eckhardt, Two Stasis Made Out of Electricity part 1: Pic-nic by the High-Tension Line Stepdown Transformer (After Jens Brand); part 2: Lady Viola Dreaming in a Humming Cloud of Electro-Static (2010, from Do-Undo (in G Maze), Helen Scarsdale Agency)

You can hear Rádio Zero’s broadcasts at radiozero.pt/ouvir.

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