Episode 129 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, December 12th.
The playlist of Futurónica 129 is:
- Stephan Mathieu, Theme for Wounded Knee (2014, Sacred Ground, Schwebung)
- Stephan Mathieu, Grasslands (2014, Sacred Ground, Schwebung)
- Stephan Mathieu, As Above, So Below (2014, Sacred Ground, Schwebung)
- Stephan Mathieu, Black Hills Theme (2014, Sacred Ground, Schwebung)
- Stephan Mathieu, Rise (2014, Sacred Ground, Schwebung)
- Stephan Mathieu, Spirals (2014, Sacred Ground, Schwebung)
- Stephan Mathieu, The Once Great People (2014, Sacred Ground, Schwebung)
- Stephan Mathieu & David Maranha, Strings (2012, Strings, Crónica)
You can follow Rádio Zero’s broadcasts at radiozero.pt/ouvir and Rádio Manobras at radiomanobras.pt.