This is a well-known Portuguese electronic musician who started as a music improviser in 1982.
He works in many art forms such as video, musical compositions for cinema, dance, theatre, installalations and multimedia.
His works has been released in several labels such as Crónica Electrónica, dOc, Ananana and he has composed the piece ‘Sensations Maker’ comprised on a series of three CD-ROM’s published for Expo 98 that took place in Lisbon. He also has made several appearances in compilations on Crónica, Portuguese and now based in Canada Tomané Vinagreiro’s antmanuvMicro, Argentine’s Fuga Discos and Galician Alg-a netlabel.
“Flow” is presented with an amazing and abstract artwork by Austrian’s Lia, the own Joaquim and Miguel Carvalhais [member of @C along with Pedro Tudela].
The rippled dance wings express their different colors on the video made by Lia that comes with this CD.
Joaquim through his laptop confront glitches, micro electronic and hum with the processed voice of Filipa Hora. Also this confrontation lets glimpse a disquieting prose of Hora who express his fear by a possible danger on the intimacy and therefore she avoids that somebody approaches her and at the end she asks for silence….
After this communication between the machine and the synthetic voice, repetitive and mechanical sounds conformed by textures that contain noises; static and micro digital errors.
Guillermo Escudero