“vous rêvez/ vous ne rêvez pas” reviewed by Fun Prox

Tilia is Alexander Peterhaensel, a composer from Munich who has released his music under various names for several years. ‘Vous revez…’ is Peterhaensel’s debut album under the name ‘Tilia’.

The music on this album can be best described as ‘filmic’. Beautiful and melancholic piano loops are interluded with subtle effects, clicks, guitars and distant voices. The whole reminds me very much of the works of Steve Reich or Phillip Glass, and also of some of the more subtle post-rock artists.

I am really stunned by the quality and depth of the three tracks presented. Although a lot of the sounds seem to loop on and on, the tracks never become boring and never disappoint. This work comes highly recommended for people who like gentle and calm soundtrack-like music with a classical touch.


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