Miguel A. García’s “Eraginie” reviewed by African Paper

Crónica veröffentlichen dieser Tage einnen neuen Longplayer des baskischen Komponisten und Soundartist Miguel A. García mit vier ausladenden Tracks, basierend auf Field Recordings und anderem klanglichen Rohmaterial, bei denen eine Reihe weiterer Personen – Pedro A. Mirones, Maite Mugerza (von der auch die im Artwork verwendeten Zeichnungen stammen), Garazi Navas, Schahram Poursoudmand, Alex Reviriego, Jeff Surak – ihren Teil beigesteuert haben. In seinem Begleittext geht Fernando Ulzión auf die Abkehr des Musikers von einer lange gepflegten Lofi-Ästhetik ein und kommt auf die Verschiedenartigkeit im Bau der feinsinnig gestalteten Stücke zu sprechen: “In the stillness we touch the eternal? With this new edition, Miguel A. García definitively abandons the low fidelity of his early work to give detritus, error and acoustic waste a luxury treatment that is recommended to be heard in good equipment. Just as before we heard their disturbing worlds from afar, we intuited them, now we are in there, we are the very central nucleus; we are part of it. What used to come from outside now comes from within. The remnants of light are brighter than ever.

The most blinding darkness. Quite simply: the first piece begins with the sounds of a field recording of a hypothetical space junk video game that, in an alien environment, organizes itself into a musical symphony, takes shape and organizes itself according to a logic of elusive masses. The following theme shares with the first the lack of a marked regular rhythm, but instead they do have their tempo, their internal rhythm, their cadence based on micro-rhythms and sequences and frequencies, which make them not static but enormously dynamic. A liquid, mercurial nature (cold, but a good electrical conductor); constantly changing; an apparently imperceptible but profound metamorphosis. On the other hand, the third theme opens with a mixture of the most unusual rhythms, a bizarre dance session in crescendo; psycho-electroacoustic dance. To close the cycle, the fourth piece brings us the melody seen through a hundred thousand veils, as sensual and seductive as elusive and painful. The dissolution of all that is solid, the eternal and unstoppable dissolution of matter and its return to nothing”. García, der auch unter dem Namen Xedh aktiv ist, hat in den letzten gut anderthalb Jahrzehnten eine Vielzahl an Aufnahmen in den unterschiedlichsten Formaten herausgebracht, neben Soloarbeiten umfasst dies auch Kollaborationen und Bands. “Eraginie” erscheint am 5. September auf CD und zum Download.

via African Paper