“Homem Fantasma” reviewed by Peek-A-Boo

Homem Fantasma
The latest project of @C, Homem Fantasma, consists of three pieces, each about 40 minutes long.

This is electronic music made with studio and field recordings, electronic instruments and digital processing. Result: three beautiful soundscapes.

These recordings confront me with a challenge. As known, it is not easy to describe soundscapes. In this case it is not only a task to write a description, in my opinion it is also superfluous to analyse this music. This does not mean that these recordings do not deserve any attention or verbal reflection. On the contrary. The reason to skip a technical approach is: these compositions are well-finished. Balanced harmony and dissonance of sounds, emphasis in the right places. No overkill, not a thousand records out of the bag of tricks. Everything in balance. You do not wonder how the sounds are produced and where they come from. All elements assemble into a whole. Also the syncopation pass in an open somewhat airy flow. The pauses surprise. This is experiencing like the experience of this kind of music should be. This is perfection without falling into the arrogance of perfectionism. Also the titles of the tracks make speculation concerning the nature of the sound redundant: 78 (a + b), 79, 80. But – even if we do not want to analyse the carriers of the message, there still is a story. Yet that story must be completed by the imagination of the listener. Someone with a lot of imagination will make many journeys.
I approach these recordings preferably from the experience. And, this experience can be shared immediately because Homem Fantasma is available as a free download.

Bernadette ALLAERT

via Peek-a-boo