“eins bis sechzehn” reviewed by Chain DLK

eins bis sechzehn
Scraped plaster, cracked walls, wrecked doors, broken switchboards, shattered mirrors, shorn wires, rusty spikes, wet planks, forsaken rooms, damaged facades. old dailies, faded attires, some tangible clues of gone-by glory and other sparse reminiscences of the heydays characterize this sonic and visual journey within abandoned huge hotel resorts, staged by these young artists. Sound machines and microphones by Ephraim Wegner and Julia Weinmann’s lens wittily portray the ruins of former hotels as if they were wheeezing dying entities or a wreck of a drifting ship by exploring it from their skeletal chest, where the glimpse of beautiful places which surround them evokes shadows of his previous symbionts. A sort of elegiac representation of decay, where the concepts of place and non-place seems to coexist in the dramatization of artifacts as well as decostruction and construction find their meeting point, easily manages to inspire some glimmers of new beginnings. Vito Camarretta

via Chain DLK