Inspired by the psychogeographic method of exploration based on the so-called “drift” – an aimless wondering aroudn the city, exploring its hidden resonances, which lay just beneath the surface -, which got mainly applied to his fascinating wandering in the meander of London by Welsh writer Iain Sinclair, this one-track record by Dr.Monty Adkins delivers a very fascinating musical journey. Delicate and placid piano tones, which renders the sequence of emotions and memories evoked during a running in an undefined urban setting, seems to cover any glimpse where the runner directs his glance with a veil and cover any perspective like a flimsly layer of hoarfrost. There are many listenable cues or urban life, but they sound like phantasmal entities while such an insight intertwines melodic web whose opening volatility limbers listener up for the following emotional outburst, which signals the moment when all the parts of some broken dream got finally pasted together and keep on shining brightly. “Residual Forms” is available as a free download on Cronica website…an extra reason to join the musical explorations by Atkins, even if it could be moreish!
via Chain DLK