New release: Monty Adkins’s “Remote Communion”

This work was commissioned for Casa Sonora curated by David Velez for the Explora Museum, Colombia, in 2020, a project during the first Covid-19 lockdown that compiled works to stream or download and play or interact with in a mobile phone. As a child I loved singing in the bath. Singing may be a bit …

Monty Adkins’s “With Love. From an Invader.” reviewed by Ambient Blog

Shortly after his release as Skrika on Cryo Chamber, Monty Adkins treats us with a surprise release on Cronica that musically represents almost the opposite of Skrika’s ‘dark ambient’. 46 Minutes of field recordings, enhanced (I wanted to write ‘enlovelied’, but I guess that isn’t a word) by Adkins’s soundscapes that turn it into an otherworldly experience. The invader referred to here is the rhododendron tree which “was introduced …

New release: Monty Adkins’s “With Love. From an Invader.”

On the 17th March 2020, one week before the UK national lockdown, Yan Wang Preston decided to photograph a single rhododendron tree every other day at half an hour before sunset, for a year, with sounds from the site recorded by Monty Adkins and Yan Wang Preston each month. The rhododendron was introduced to the …

Monty Adkins’s “Moeror” reviewed by Ambientblog

With its 21’27” length this is not a full Monty Adkins album, but we will not complain about that – especially since Atkins and Crónica offer this single track EP as a free download (as they call it themselves, but I prefer Name Your Price and suggest to leave a donation to the artist and …

New release: Monty Adkins’s “Moeror”

Music takes place in time, but repetition beguilingly makes it knowable in the way of something outside of time … it feels like a different way of inhabiting a passage — a different kind of orientation. Elizabeth Margulis, On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind During significant events in our lives, time seems to stand …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by The Wire

Two pieces by the British composer, which grew out of a collaboration with the painter Andy Fullalove. They worked together on an installation at Bradford Cathedral, and Adkins created these pieces to expand on the meditative and light-filled quality of that show. The music is based on extended organ tones, and like classic recordings by …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by RNE 3 Atmosfera

Los samples de órgano de Monty Adkins siempre nos han cautivado, así que estábamos impacientes por abrir esta nueva entrega “Shadows and Reflections” “Shadows and Reflections” se desarrolla a partir de una colaboración audiovisual entre Monty Adkins y el pintor Andy Fullalove exhibida en la catedral de Bradford en octubre de 2016. La exposición constaba …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by FullMoon

Kalifornská dvojice Freescha kdysi pojmenovala jednu ze svých desek Slower Than Church Music. K mixu downtempa a IDM ve stylu Boards of Canada ten název sedÄ›l jako ulitý, a kdyby už nebyl zabraný, skvÄ›le by se hodil i k novince britského skladatele Montyho Adkinse. Ta má navíc chrámový rozmÄ›r zabudovaný přímo ve své DNA – …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by 5:4

An interesting aspect of what i’ve been calling ‘steady statism‘ is the relationship it has with the idea of stasis. What is a musical stasis? Considering that music unfolds in time, isn’t it an oxymoronic idea? Furthermore, is such a hypothetical stasis intentional (objective) or perceptional (subjective) – or both? When writing about Markus Reuter’s …