Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by The Wire

Two pieces by the British composer, which grew out of a collaboration with the painter Andy Fullalove. They worked together on an installation at Bradford Cathedral, and Adkins created these pieces to expand on the meditative and light-filled quality of that show. The music is based on extended organ tones, and like classic recordings by …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by RNE 3 Atmosfera

Los samples de órgano de Monty Adkins siempre nos han cautivado, así que estábamos impacientes por abrir esta nueva entrega “Shadows and Reflections” “Shadows and Reflections” se desarrolla a partir de una colaboración audiovisual entre Monty Adkins y el pintor Andy Fullalove exhibida en la catedral de Bradford en octubre de 2016. La exposición constaba …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by FullMoon

Kalifornská dvojice Freescha kdysi pojmenovala jednu ze svých desek Slower Than Church Music. K mixu downtempa a IDM ve stylu Boards of Canada ten název sedÄ›l jako ulitý, a kdyby už nebyl zabraný, skvÄ›le by se hodil i k novince britského skladatele Montyho Adkinse. Ta má navíc chrámový rozmÄ›r zabudovaný přímo ve své DNA – …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by 5:4

An interesting aspect of what i’ve been calling ‘steady statism‘ is the relationship it has with the idea of stasis. What is a musical stasis? Considering that music unfolds in time, isn’t it an oxymoronic idea? Furthermore, is such a hypothetical stasis intentional (objective) or perceptional (subjective) – or both? When writing about Markus Reuter’s …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by Blow Up

La Crónica continua a dar conto di esperienze artistiche particolari e curate attraverso delle cassete dal formato più che adatto a un minutaggio abbastanza ridotto. In questo caso si tratta di musica per uns installazione di un pitore (Andy Fullalove) nella cattedrale di Bradford in occasione del restauro di un’opera (un paliotto d’altare) del pittore, …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by Music Won’t Save You

Pressoché in contemporanea con “A Year At Usher’s Hill“, il suo lavoro neoclassico-ambientale maggiormente impressionistico, Monty Adkins propone due lunghe tracce su cassetta, realizzate in sinestesia creativa con il pittore Andy Fullalove. Come gli strati di colore danno forma a un’immagine, così l’artista inglese lungo i venti minuti ciascuna di “Sounds Of The Shadow” e …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by Rockerilla

Il tempo, il paesaggio, le immagini e le sensazioni da essi veicolate continuano a essere al centro delle creazioni di Monty Adkins, che in due lavori paralleli applica un a ne approccio sinestetico alla composizione ambientale. A Year At Usher’s Hill mette in luce il pro lo più emozionalmente accogliente del sound artist inglese, racchiuso …

Monty Adkins’s “Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by Chain DLK

“Shadows And Reflections” aims for ‘a sense of meditation, contemplation and relaxation’ as it develops sonic ideas originally created for an audiovisual exhibit at Bradford Cathedral in 2016 that drew inspiration from the restored altarpiece and stained glass windows of the cathedral. Designed for the cassette format, it’s two twenty-minute pieces of warm, comforting, eventless …

“Shadows and Reflections” reviewed by AmbientBlog

With his impressive back catalogue, Monty Adkins has become one of my favourite artists (if you’re not familiar with his work, don’t forget checking out Four Shibusa, Rift Patterns, Borderlands and Unfurling Streams). So it’s great news when two new albums are released almost simultaneously: The first of these two is Shadows And Reflections, released …