“On Paper” reviewed by Phosphor.nl

The Portuguese label Crónica released a double CD with several relatively unknown names. Some of the artists presented here have released material through the label previously, like @c, Pedro Tudela, Longina and Vitor Joaquim. Other artists such as Stephan Mathieu or Pure are known due to releases resp. Lucky Kitchen, Fällt Publishing, Ritornell, and Grob or dOc Recordings.

The first album can be seen as a collection of tracks with a rich diversity. CD1 features seven tracks, all offering a different atmosphere. Opening with Vitor Joaquim’s strong rhythmic piece in which heavy noises interrupt and interchange with the rhythm, the album continues with a more myterious approach by (Des) Integração. The combinatin of crispy sounds, crackles and the sound of bells gives the listener the impression to be situated in a mysterious fabric hall all on it’s own.

The third piece can be considered just as uncommon, b.Z_ToneR combine a female “Science Fiction” voice with irregular percussion beats and many sound particles.

Stephan Mathieu offers a piece in which flutes seem to be tuned. Sad, long drawn-out tunes have been layered in a monotonous, emotionless way. Pure’s contribution exists of different atmospheres. Some parts of this piece remind of the refined work by Richard Chartier, other parts seem to be generated by means of contact mics.

Pal’s composition reminds of a slow approaching sound ship; dense repetitive and mysterious. Paulo Raposo’s contribution changes all the time, heading off with disrupted, distorted snippets and getting quite noisy at the end.

The second album of the On paper compilation features two artists also presented on CD1: b.Z_ToneR and Vitor Joachim. The four remaining projects are @c, Longine, Pedro Tudelo and Return.

CD2 offers about the same atmosphere compared to CD1, though with a little more song structure. Warm electronics have been combined with noises that seem to be created by means of contact mics, repetitive structures co-exist next to unexpected scrapings. Songs are build upon a string of varying ways of making music.

Number 005 in the Crónica series proves the quality of this label.

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