“Là Où Je Dors” reviewed by Loop

This album was released on the Portuguese Crónica Electronica label of which we reviewed @c. This disc was based on the work of the choreographer Isabel Barros whose concept to develop is the dream. For this Pedro Tudela, who lives in Porto, follows with attention the development of the rehearsals of this work, opportunity in which the team of Barros’ dancers and the plastic artist, interchange ideas about dreams and its limits, everything which Tudela spills on his music.

Our protagonist works on details for the creation of textures and layers in which combines a background noise, rhythms and melodies that timidly appears on “Dream to seller” that is made up of three parts: “Pursuit bride”; “Forest” and “Sin”. “Carrousel” its an electroacoustic piece, where we can listen to objects that are removed, the action of closing and opening a kind of zipper, a crackle of a door and diverse unrecognizable noises. “Walker 1” shows clicks and processed sounds as a musical background, whereas the noise of an airplane announces “Airport” and to little walking a placid piece of dance forms whose ethreal music and that blanket under the eaves of “Desert”. In a darker atmosphere is developed “Dance of the giant or maybe Alice”, with some animal howls, timbres, and then foretell a 4/4 rhythm on “Skying” with the first movement “Man that cannont touch woman”. Ambient with electroacoustic elements seizes of “Figures that fall apart”, while the digital noise of “Figures that fall apart 2” creates abstract figures through some audio software program.

Perhaps one of the most excitement moments is “Mermaids”. It remembers me the solitary plains of Rapoon. But Tudela puts its trade mark with those compressed fragment echoes subtle that glimpse in “Scarecrow”, that also includes “Forest”. “Playing” and its parts “Bed of clouds”; “Delirium with doll” and “Walking up” propose a dark and intriguing atmospheres. This is a delicate album, where as much we have abstraction like beauty.

Guillermo Escudero

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