20 Years × 180 Minutes

Goodbye 2023. It’s been great to celebrate Crónica’s twentieth. And we wouldn’t like to leave you without leaving just one more thing… So here it is, an end of the year, special release, exclusively through our Bandcamp page, “20 Years × 180 Minutes”, a 21-track mix revisiting Crónica’s history throughout these first two decades. In …

New release: @c’s “Installations: Octo _ _ _ _ (2019)”

During their collaboration as @c, Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais developed several installations, often site-specific and ephemeral works. This series of releases in Crónica is dedicated to revisiting these installation works, occasionally with situ recordings, but also further exploring the computational systems developed for the works, archival materials, and other assets, presenting new compositions that unfold …

New release: @c + Drumming GP’s “For Percussion”

Many years in the making, this album collects works created for or with Drumming GP, a percussion ensemble founded by Miquel Bernat, a world-class performer and teacher. “For Percussion” gathers pieces that intersect @c’s experimental and computational approaches to music with Drumming GP’s mastery of performance and percussion. Tracklist: Credits: “For Percussion” is now available as …

@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by Vital Weekly

The Portuguese duo of Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela have already been working together for over twenty years. They can be seen as both pioneers and prophets of all things laptops. Much of their music finds its roots in interacting together, with software, hardware and sounds. Here, they do something unusual for them: working with …

Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais’s “Installations / Instalações” reviewed by Neural

Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais (known as @c) are a prolific duo of musicians and sound artists. As founders of the groundbreaking Crónica label, they have performed captivating audiovisual sets on countless occasions since the early 2000s and have continuously produced a series of short-lived installations. Nineteen of these installations are documented and discussed here. …

New release: @c’s “Installations: S(o)al (2021)”

During the twenty-plus years of their collaboration as @c, Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais’s work spanned composition and performance but also, and prominently, several installations, often site-specific and ephemeral works that have at most been documented with short videos. This series of releases in Crónica is dedicated to revisiting and documenting these installation works, not only …

Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais’s “Installations / Instalações” reviewed by Nieuwe Noten

De Portugese geluidskunstenaars Pedro Tudelaen Miguel Carvalhais werken samen onder de naam @c. Onlangs verscheen via hun eigen label Crónica, onder de titel ‘Installations’ een interessant boek over de installaties die zij tussen 2005 en 2021 hebben gemaakt. Tevens vormt dit de start van het beschikbaar stellen van de opnames van deze installaties via hun Bandcamp pagina. Te downloaden voor …

Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais’s “Installations / Instalações” book reviewed by Field Notes

The sound artists Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais have been working together for more than two decades and have released an almost incalculable number of releases under the name @c to document their musical work. High time then for their label Crónica to also dedicate the book »Installations / Instalações« to them in order to document and comment on …

Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais’s “Installations / Instalações” book reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Installations: LMY-7-10 (Crónica 179~2022, digital) von @c ist Musik, um dazu „Installations / Instalações“ (Crónica 181~2022 / i2ADS, 210 p Book) von MIGUEL CARVALHAIS & PEDRO TUDELA zu lesen, den beiden Crónica-Machern, deren klanginstallatives Werk da von 2005 an essayistisch und illustrativ aufgefächert wird. Die Musik entspricht der beim Fes- tival Serralves em Festa in …