@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by Music Map

Questo è un lavoro di ricerca, musica sperimentale su commissione, tutto incentrato sulle potenzialità delle percussioni. @C + Drumming GP è il nome di questo progetto, diretto da Miquel Bernat e composto e prodotto da Miguel Carvalhais e Pedro Tudela. Prima di partire coi lavori, i membri del progetto si sono interrogati su cosa voglia …

@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by Inactuelles

En voyant sur la pochette le mot “Drumming”, beaucoup penseront sans doute à la célèbre composition de Steve Reich. Le seul rapport, ce sont les percussions. Extrêmement variées, avec, selon les titres, électronique, ordinateurs, échantillons. Un disque qui semblera difficile, et il l’est, mais ne demande qu’à être attentivement écouté pour livrer ses trésors… Drumming GP désigne …

@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by Westzeit

Mit DRUMMING GP haben wir noch ein Ensemble aus Musikern, die sich für Neue Klänge und Improvisatorische Elemente interessieren, hier allerdings auf perkussiver Grundlage. “For Percussion” (Crónica) heißt denn auch die CD mit Stücken der Crónica-Gründer Pedro Tudela & Miguel Carvalhais. Die beiden konstruieren schon seit vielen Jahren avancierte Musik unter dem kryptischen ProjektKürzel @C, …

New release: @c + Drumming GP’s “For Percussion”

Many years in the making, this album collects works created for or with Drumming GP, a percussion ensemble founded by Miquel Bernat, a world-class performer and teacher. “For Percussion” gathers pieces that intersect @c’s experimental and computational approaches to music with Drumming GP’s mastery of performance and percussion. Tracklist: Credits: “For Percussion” is now available as …

@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by African Paper

Die heute aus den beiden Soundartists Miguel Carvalhais und Pedro Tudela bestehende Gruppe @c bringt Ende des Monats eine CD mit Kompositionen heraus, die von dem renommierten Percussion-Kollektiv Drumming GP unter der Leitung von Miquel Bernat umgesetzt wurden und in der Mehrheit auch direkt für dieses geschrieben wurden. Wie der Titel impliziert, sind die sechs …

@c + Drumming GP‘s “For Percussion” reviewed by Vital Weekly

The Portuguese duo of Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela have already been working together for over twenty years. They can be seen as both pioneers and prophets of all things laptops. Much of their music finds its roots in interacting together, with software, hardware and sounds. Here, they do something unusual for them: working with …

Drumming premieres a new composition by @c

Next Friday, October 26th, the Drumming Percussion Group will premiere a new composition by @c (Peddro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais), “66” for percussion and electronics. The program, “Fases Electrónicas e…+” also features works by Steve Reich, Matthew Burtner, João Pedro Oliveira, Dimitris Andrikopoulos and Benjamin de la Fuente, all performed by Miquel Bernat and Nuno …

Drumming present a new work by @c

Next Sunday, November 7th, at Teatro Aveirense, the Drumming Percussion Group presents a program of contemporary percussion works that includes the premiere of “88” a new work for percussion commissioned to @c (Pedro Tudela & Miguel Carvalhais). More information at Festivais de Outono or Teatro Aveirense.

Drumming and @c perform Stockhausen

Next Friday, October 10, the Drumming percussion group and @c will perform Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Mikrophonie I, for tam-tam, microphones and electronics at the Auditorio Nacional de Música, in Madrid. This performance is part of a day-long program dedicated to Stockhausen’s work, where several other of the composer’s pieces will also be presented, such as Gesang …