From Scotland Graeme Truslove bridges the divide between fixed-medium electroacoustic composition and performance based on improvisation. From meticulous structuring of aural mosaics with sonic impulses placed at exactly the right time, place, texturing et cetera, Truslove moved into the realms of the recording and manipulation of these works. Consequently and rather ironically, as technology advanced, these treatments of performances in themselves became montage-performances, which turned to be possible source material for further performance, montage and composition.
With an ‘ensemble’ of energetic electronics, brimming with activity, slowly modulating, finely attuned in terms of texture and timbre (ranging from polished glistens to rough and raw barbs and wires), augmented with double bass, Truslove explores musical time and musical time scales. It’s all on display here, pretty much easy to hear in full frontal focus. That is: the evolution of synthetic tones, textures and timbres from Truslove’s performative-algorithmic machines. And also: the tweaking thereof, the searching, embellishment and/or destruction – the immediate present and the slowly unfolding development – the sound in and of itself and the placement in something much (infinitely?) larger. Size-wise by the way not per se in terms of a filled out, drummed up, jazzed through jumble or huge through-composed symphonic effort, but above all in terms of strategies of time.
Long lines and thin spikes and fat bubbles and short gurgles for example bounce around in short-term presences, but together these also weave and bob in and out of an almost droning aural field out of time, beyond eternal music, too. It’s thanks to Truslove’s amazing touch for timbre and timing Intuited Architectures retains a splendid organic touch and feel, carving out a fascinating niche somewhere in the corner of acousmatic and electroacoustic music where the greats of the musique concrète meet ‘classical’ composers. A must-hear for all fans of the releases by INA-GRM, Recollecion GRM and Unsounds. (SSK)
via Vital