“Crossmodulated” reviewed by Vital Weekly

It should be no secret that I know mister Meelkop pretty well and therefore I know that some two or three years ago he was looking for ways to break away from working with a laptop for his musical compositions and at the recommendation of Jos Smolders, he looked into the use of modular synthesizers …

“Crossmodulated” reviewed by Rimas e Batidas

Nascido em 1963, Roel Meelkop “estudou artes visuais e teoria da arte” em Roterdão, na Holanda. A sua prática musical recua ao início dos anos 80, altura em que criou o projecto THU20 com Jac van Bussel, Peter Duimelinks, Jos Smolders e Guido Doesborg, colectivo cujas edições – realizadas entre 1986 e 2020 – espelham uma actividade …