Roel Meelkop’s “Crossmodulated” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Roel Meelkop is a Dutch hero of sound art who I find it convenient to put in a Netherlandish seraglio with Peter Duimelinks, Jos Smolders, Frans de Waard and Machinefabriek. Indeed we last heard from the Roelster on the Cryptonesia record where he performed as Wieman (with de Waard) to produce an extensive reworking of two cassette tapes by Cybe. …

Roel Meelkop’s “Crossmodulated” reviewed by Silence and Sound

Ça commence par des frottements, peu à peu rattrapés par une forme d’énergie bourdonnante, parasitée par des ondes radio grésillantes… Crossmodulated de Roel Meelkop est une entité sombre, un trou noir dans l’espace avalant les étoiles et le magma du temps, déversant le chaos sur le monde qui l’entoure dont il est lui même le créateur et le …

“Crossmodulated” reviewed by Vital Weekly

It should be no secret that I know mister Meelkop pretty well and therefore I know that some two or three years ago he was looking for ways to break away from working with a laptop for his musical compositions and at the recommendation of Jos Smolders, he looked into the use of modular synthesizers …

“Crossmodulated” reviewed by Rimas e Batidas

Nascido em 1963, Roel Meelkop “estudou artes visuais e teoria da arte” em Roterdão, na Holanda. A sua prática musical recua ao início dos anos 80, altura em que criou o projecto THU20 com Jac van Bussel, Peter Duimelinks, Jos Smolders e Guido Doesborg, colectivo cujas edições – realizadas entre 1986 e 2020 – espelham uma actividade …