Difficile quand on est un musicien électro-acoustique, qu’on traîne en permanence dans un environnement de feuilles de métal polies(ou dépolies), de bouts de bois, de papier, de plastique, à guetter l’interaction sonore impromptue qui dériverait de l’expérience, difficile donc de ne pas susciter la curiosité de sa petite fille de 5 ans, irrémédiablement tentée par …
Tag Archives: Freiband
“Leise†reviewed by textura.org
The seeming incongruity between the child-like drawings adorning Leise and its abstract contents is reconciled when one learns that all of the release’s raw sound material was produced by Frans de Waard’s daughter Elise (her name an anagram of the recording title) when she was three years old. “Knippers†initiates the disc, de Waard’s third …
“Leise†reviewed by Bad Alchemy
Hinter FREIBANDs Leise (Crónica 026) vermutet man erst mal einen weiteren Segeltörn über den Stillen Ozean of Sound. Aber der Titel entpuppt sich als Anagramm von Elise, Frans de Waards Töchterchen. Der Künstler-Vater begegnet, ähnlich wie die in gleicher Lage befindlichen RLW, Rafael Toral oder Ekkehard Ehlers, der mütterlichen Alternative ’Kapotte Muziek oder kaputte Beziehung. …
“Leise†reviewed by De-Bug
“Leise” verarbeitet Klänge, die Frans De Waards dreijährige Tochter mit seinem Kapotte Muziek-Instrumentarium erzeugt hat: Blech, Papier, Stöcken und Plastikmüll. Mithilfe von Computersoftware entstanden daraus elektro-akustische Tracks, die nur selten die Originalsounds erkennen lassen. De Waard lässt den einzelnen Sounds und unregelmäßigen Loops Zeit, sich zu entwickeln und hält seine Musik trotz aller Einfachheit immer …
“Leise†reviewed by Touching Extremes
Simple, yet effective idea by Frans De Waard, who let his daughter Elise (note the title’s anagram of her name) play with “sheets of metal, paper, sticks, plastic and other junk” on which he placed contact microphones, then elaborated the resulting sounds via computer translating them into a 10-part electroacoustic performance. Elise’s voice opens and …
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“Leise†reviewed by GoMag
Comenzó titubeante y disperso, pero cada vez parece más claro que el sello portugués Crónica quiere ocupar el lugar que dejó vacante Ritornell, la añorada subdivisión ‘rara’ de Mille Plateaux. No es casual, por tanto, que sus dos últimas lanzamientos vengan firmados por artistas que pertenecieron a la plataforma alemana. “Leise” es el cuarto disco …
“Product 05†reviewed by Stillborn
Il nuovo Product (il numero 5) della portoghese Crónica vede coinvolti Freiband e Boca Raton.. il primo non è altro che il nuovo progetto di Frans De Waard (Kapotte Muziek, Beequeen, Goem, etc..) il secondo è un progetto nato nel ’99 dalla mente del più giovane e meno conosciuto Martijn Tellinga. Il contenuto di questo …
“Product 05†reviewed by Neural
Un progetto di audio-art che nasce come live performance nel Marzo del 2004 al Muziekcentrum nell’ambito del festival olandese di musica elettronica Earational viene qui pubblicato dalla label sperimentale portoghese Crónica. Freiband e Boca Raton, ovvero Frans de Waard e Martijn Tellinga, operano in maniera davvero singolare, il primo processando in più passaggi registrazioni di …
“Product 05†reviewed by Liability
Le cinquième volume de la série Product réunit deux grosses pointures de la musique électronique expérimentale de ces dernières années : Freiband aka Frans De Waard et Boca Raton aka Martijn Tellinga. Tout du moins Freiband et Boca Raton auront su se faire remarquer avec leurs albums respectifs (Microbes et Homeward pour De Waard, Enzo/Further …
“Product 05†reviewed by Vital
New sequence in the Product series on the label Cronica, where 2 artists share a CD. Now it’s a Dutch affair, with both Freiband and Boca Raton coming from The Netherlands. As I understand from the cd-cover, these are live recordings from March 25th 2004, made at the Earational festival for electronic music and audioart …