Futurónica #16

Episode 16 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Zero (every two weeks, on Friday nights, repeating on Tuesdays at 01h) airs tomorrow, September 10th at 21h (GMT). The playlist for Futurónica #16 is: Ground Zero, Multi-Gravity 1 (1998, from Last Concert, Amoebic) Nicolas Bernier, Line (a) (2010, from Strings.Lines, Crónica) Iannis Xenakis, Nomos Alpha [solo …

Futurónica #07

Episode 7 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Zero (every two weeks, on Friday nights, repeating on Tuesdays at 01h) airs next Friday, May 7 at 21h (GMT). The playlist for Futurónica #07 is: Mosaique, Axis Tilt (from Shattering Silence) Marc Behrens + Niko Heyduck, Metal 6 (from Plastic / Metal, Antifrost) Mosaique, Gravity and …

“Product 05” reviewed by Stillborn

Il nuovo Product (il numero 5) della portoghese Crónica vede coinvolti Freiband e Boca Raton.. il primo non è altro che il nuovo progetto di Frans De Waard (Kapotte Muziek, Beequeen, Goem, etc..) il secondo è un progetto nato nel ’99 dalla mente del più giovane e meno conosciuto Martijn Tellinga. Il contenuto di questo …

“Product 05” reviewed by Neural

Un progetto di audio-art che nasce come live performance nel Marzo del 2004 al Muziekcentrum nell’ambito del festival olandese di musica elettronica Earational viene qui pubblicato dalla label sperimentale portoghese Crónica. Freiband e Boca Raton, ovvero Frans de Waard e Martijn Tellinga, operano in maniera davvero singolare, il primo processando in più passaggi registrazioni di …

“Product 05” reviewed by Liability

Le cinquième volume de la série Product réunit deux grosses pointures de la musique électronique expérimentale de ces dernières années : Freiband aka Frans De Waard et Boca Raton aka Martijn Tellinga. Tout du moins Freiband et Boca Raton auront su se faire remarquer avec leurs albums respectifs (Microbes et Homeward pour De Waard, Enzo/Further …

“Product 05” reviewed by Vital

New sequence in the Product series on the label Cronica, where 2 artists share a CD. Now it’s a Dutch affair, with both Freiband and Boca Raton coming from The Netherlands. As I understand from the cd-cover, these are live recordings from March 25th 2004, made at the Earational festival for electronic music and audioart …

“Product 05” reviewed by Etherreal

Nouveau split de la série Product de chez Cronica, qui nous permet de découvrir cette fois Freiband, que l’on connaissait auparavant en tant que membre de Goem (Raster Noton, Noise Museum), mais qui a déjà sorti quelques albums solo, notamment chez Ritornell. On ne connaissait pas non plus Boca Raton, et l’on découvre que c’est …

“Product 05” reviewed by Octopus

En attendant la parution imminente de Leise, le troisième album du projet Freiband mené par le néerlandais Franz de Waard, le label portugais Cronica fait monter l’eau à la bouche avec un exercice live particulièrement réussi entre l’éminence grise de Staalplaat et son compatriote Martijn Tellinga, aka Boca Raton. Un rendez-vous stylé pour amateurs de …

“Product 05” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Martijn Tellinga aka BOCA RATON ist in Amsterdam mit Stichting Mixer selbst Herausgeber einer Split-Reihe. Kein Wunder daher, dass er nach seinem Kapotte Muziek by-Split mit Richard Chartier (-> BA46) nun neben Frans de Waard, der dabei seine FREIBAND-Maske aufgesetzt hat, mit Product (Crónica 019~2005) auf der fünften Ausgabe der Crónica-Splitreihe zu finden ist. Freibands …

“Product 05” reviewed by Igloo

Portugal’s Crónica once again must be acknowledged for keeping to task, and truly offering work that is challenging in the busted world of electronic music. Freiband (Frans de Waard) and Boca Raton (Martijn Tellinga) team up to release their split live recording from 04’s Earational Festival (the Netherlands). The jittery “Temptations” sways with a ridged …