Marc Behrens’s “Clould” reviewed by Musique Machine

Somewhere in between Heaven and the heavens, between ‘could’ and ‘clouds’ is Marc Behrens Clould. Composed of sounds recorded inside aeroplanes, airports, and other flight-related locations, this work brings together the reality and myth of the skies. An area once dominated by deities has now become a travel lane for millions, and while the mystery seems …

Marc Behrens’s “Clould” and ”Aiear“ reviewed by Bad Alchemy

MARC BEHRENS führt bei seinem aus Air und Ear gezwitterten Aiear (218, digital) mit düsentriebigen Dopplereffekten und mit „Clould“ (220) in den konjunktiven (could) und assoziativen Raum in und über den Wolken. Mit dem Frankfurter Airport vor Ort, dessen Flugschneisen und den eigenen 36 Flügen als Klangquelle für eine Meditation über die Transformation des Fliegens …

Marc Behrens’s “Clould” reviewed by Anxious

Tytuł Clould łączy w sobie słowa “cloud” (chmura), wskazując na fascynację ludzkości rzekomymi nadprzyrodzonymi istotami, które żyły w chmurach lub je tworzyły, oraz “could” („mogłoby”). Historyczne mitologie zostały umieszczone w kontekście XXI wiecznego masowego transportu powietrznego, który napędza duże grupy ludzi – pasywnych siłą – przez przestrzeń, która kiedyś należała do mitologicznych istot i energii. I oczywiście do chmur. Cykl utworów elektroakustycznych Clould i jego preambuła Aiear (Crónica 218~2024) składają się łącznie z 95 minut muzyki, …

New release: Marc Behrens’s “Clould”

After the recent release of Aiear, we’re now immensely happy to present the second and final part of the Clould cycle, in a limited-release CD with a 16-page booklet. The title Clould convolutes the words cloud, hinting at humankind’s fascination of supposed supernatural beings that lived in clouds or created them, and could, a potentiality. Historical mythologies …

Marc Behrens’s “Clould” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Marc Behrens was more active with releases a long time ago, the first decade of this century and the last half of the decade before that, but these days may have shifted his work into sound installations – who knows? Maybe he releases his music online mostly. There is a ‘preamble’ release for ‘Clould’, called …

New release: Marc Behrens’s “Aiear”

Airplane noise interrupted my early outdoor sound recording attempts in the forests around Frankfurt. And so, after a while, I figured I would kick the pastoral, turn the concept upside down, and specifically record the airplane noise instead. Aiear was planned as a field recording project since 1996. In 2023 I resumed the project and composed …

“Further Consequences of Reinterpretation” reviewed Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

Hi, I’m back again with another new review, today it’s this 2004 album of Reinterpretations of remixes of music by *0 by Paulo Raposo & Marc Behrens, titled Further Consequences of Reinterpretation. Released by the label Crónica the CD is housed in a clear jewel case and also includes an 8 page booklet with 7 …

Tomorrow: Three-Body Problem video program at Curtas

Three-Body Problem (video program preview) from Miguel Carvalhais on Vimeo. The “Three-Body Problem” video program will be shown in its entirety at the amazing Curtas, the short film festival in Vila do Conde. With music by @c (Pedro Tudela & Miguel Carvalhais), with guests Susana Santos Silva, Angelica V. Salvi, João Pais Filipe, and Ricardo …

Three-Body Problem video program at Curtas

Three-Body Problem (video program preview) from Miguel Carvalhais on Vimeo. The “Three-Body Problem” video program was premiered at the CD launch event in Passos Manuel, last May, and will now be shown in its entirety at the amazing Curtas, the short film festival in Vila do Conde. With music by @c (Pedro Tudela & Miguel …