“Five Years on Cold Asphalt” reviewed by EtherREAL

Quarz est un projet très particulier dirigé par Alexandr Vatagin que l’on connait pour son travail au sein de Tupolev et Port-Royal. Quarz n’est pas un groupe mais un projet à géométrie variable qui, au fil du temps, a vu passer Nicolas Bernier, Stefan Németh (Radian), Alexander Schubert (Sinebag) et Martin Siewert (Trapist). Du très …

Futurónica 116

Episode 116 of Futurónica, a broadcast in Rádio Manobras (91.5 MHz in Porto, 18h30) and Rádio Zero (21h GMT, repeating on Tuesday at 01h) airs tomorrow, June 13th. The playlist of Futurónica 116 is: Terje Paulsen, Usynlig Aktivitet (2014, Quark: How Does the Invisible Sound?, Farmacia 901) Nicolas Bernier, Structure De Particules 1113 (2014, Quark: …

“Quark: How Does The Invisible Sound?” launches

Quark: How Does The Invisible Sound? is a media project born with the specific intent of exploring the possible inter-relationship between sound and the invisible, strictly related to science and physics. It relies on monthly digital releases and a MaxMSP custom software called Cconfin, inspired by elementary particles interactions and a physical phenomenon known as …

“Five Years on Cold Asphalt” reviewed by The Sound Projector

It’s more than likely that the only time I’ve ever come across product from the Portuguese Crónica label was back in 2009 with a peculiar strand of sensual electronica, in the willowy form of Erotikon by The Beautiful Schizophonic, which delivered a reassuringly human touch, instead of the usual clanky, cold metallic feel of a …

“Quarz” reviewed by Caleidoscoop

Hiernaast verschijnt er ook de cd Five Years On Cold Asphalt (alweer 5 jaar) van zijn project Quarz, dat in 2006 gestart is. Vatagin draagt zorg voor het concept, de coördinatie, elektronica, synthesizers en samples. Aan zijn zijde bevinden zich tegenwoordig Nicolas Bernier met elektronica en samples, Stefan Németh (Lokai, Radian) op de synthesizer, Alexander …

“Five Years on Cold Asphalt” reviewed by Rif Raf

Au départ du projet QUARZ, on trouve Alexandr Vatagin, musicien autrichien actif dans les projets Tupolez et Port-Royal. Aujourd’hui rejoint par Nicolas Bernier, Stefan Németh (alias M. Radian et M. Lokai), sans compter les autres compagnons d’aventure, notre homme dévoile au long des 34 minutes de ‘Five Years On Cold Asphalt’une très belle unité de …

“Five Years on Cold Asphalt” reviewed by Neural

His debut album on Crónica Electronica, a Portuguese label well known to the lovers of the experimental scene, Five Years On Cold Asphalt is the beginning of the solo career of Alexandr Vatagin, aka Quarz, already famous for his collaborations with Valeot and Liska Records, and for his commitment to the Tupolev ensemble and Port …