“Pastoral” reviewed by Cyclic Defrost

Release no. 55 from the esteemed Cronica label sees acoustic/electronic composer Arturas Bumsteinas flexing his experimental muscles by utilising all manners of acoustic instrumentation and then subtly shifting, looping and distorting various passages to create waves and drones of differing complexities. Whilst essentially remaining an organic set of pieces, each is tinkered with just enough …

“Pastoral” reviewed by Polychromic

L’homme réside et travaille à Vilnius et Warsaw. Pastoral présente quatre travaux, l’une est dédiée à la nature, la seconde est un enregistrement live à Vilnius en 2009, une commande, la troisième est un enregistrement capté durant le Mariu Klavyrai festival et le dernier est une pièce de studio. 4 possibilités s’offrent à vous pour …

“Pastoral” reviewed by De-Bug

Der Eröffnungstrack des Komponisten aus Litauen thematisiert den “Satanspilz”, und dementsprechend geheimnisvoll und unheimlich klingt auch seine Melange aus bearbeiteten Tuba-Klängen mit heruntergepitchten Fieldrecordings und undeutlichen Stimmen in großen Klanggewölben. Track Zwei ist ein langsam mäanderndes, melancholisches und dissonantes Nebeneinander von Saiten- und Blasinstrumenten. Nummer Drei überlagert Geigen- und Bratschenklänge mit schnell hintereinander abgespielten kurzen …

“Pastoral” reviewed by Monsieur Délire

Another release in the “Unlimited” series (therefore free): an album dvoted to Lithuanian/Polish electroacoustician Arturas BumÅ¡teinas. Four pieces for instrument and tape: one for tuba, one for violin, one for violin and viola, and one for guitar and accordion. Nice plurisemantic writing. “Dough” (17 minutes) is very well done. The whole thing is rather ambient, …

“Pastoral” reviewed by Resonant Strata

“Pastoral” from Arturas Bumsteinas the latest release on the portuguese Crónica label starts off quite eerie. A haunting piece called “Boletus Satanas” offers exactly what the title suggests: A sonic exploration that oscillates between field recordings, shamanic rituals and drones forming a dark and brooding sound monolith. Voices whisper and mumble in the background, slowed …