Francisco López’s “DSB” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Another strong release from Francisco López, the very prolific sound artist whose passion and headstrong ways often lead him to make grand gestures and pronouncements, along with the music. Today on DSB (CRONICA 166-2021) he is reiterating – absolutely verbatim – the claims made for a 2018 release untitled#360 for the Emitter Micro label in Berlin, and noted here. The …

Francisco López’s “DSB” reviewed by Freq

There’s a quality that some music has of being like an old friend. I’ve not listened to any new Francisco López in a decade or more but the ’00s CDs of his I have get a fairly frequent spin. Those CDs tended towards a kind of quietism — usually called Untitled [n] and largely a kind of textural building …

Francisco López’s “DSB” reviewed by Felthat

Francisco Lopez is a man institution. Creatively active in the field recording and musique concrete, he elevated the art of both to something completely different. His newest album is no different but definitely somewhat of a surprise.  The processing of the field recordings is his trademark – you might be surprised how nuanced and elaborate …

Francisco López’s “DSB” reviewed by Aural Aggravation

From the very opening seconds, Francisco López’s latest offering assails the ears and scorches the brain: the first track – which hits the magical running time of twenty-three minutes – is nothing short of explosive – literally. Opening with a roaring blast of brutal harsh noise, it soon separates into a series of samples and …

Francisco López’s “DSB” reviewed by Vital Weekly

The title doesn’t tell us much more than Francisco Lopez’  myriad “Untitled” works do; I’ve no idea what DSB is an acronym for, if it’s even an acronym at all. So I’m really unsure what this album is all about… which I imagine is fine with Lopez. While many of his previous albums have little …