Dan Powell’s “Four Walks at Old Chapel” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Brighton musician Dan Powell may be known to you as an improviser who performs as one half of The Static Memories and also occasionally with Paul Khimasia Morgan, but he’s here today with a slightly unusual field recording / musique concrète assemblage called Four Walks At Old Chapel (CRONICA 170-2021). He gathered field recordings at this Welsh location, as well …

Dan Powell’s “Four Walks at Old Chapel” reviewed by RNE 3 Atmosfera

Dan Powell es un artista sonoro que utiliza grabaciones de campo, electrónica hecha a mano y percusión afinada. El foco principal de su trabajo es explorar lugares que tienen una resonancia personal particular. Ha participado activamente en la improvisación electroacústica en Londres y Brighton, especialmente con Gus Garside en The Static Memories y Chris Parfitt …

Dan Powell’s “Four Walks at Old Chapel” reviewed by Music Map

Dan Powell è un sound artist originario dell’Essex e di stanza a Brighton. La sua produzione musicale si distingue per il ricorso a una combinazione di field recordings, frammenti elettronici autoprodotti e percussioni e per l’attività nel campo dell’improvvisazione elettroacustica. A maggio di quest’anno, Dan Powell ha pubblicato un album registrato tra il 2016 e …

Dan Powell’s “Four Walks at Old Chapel” reviewed by African Paper

Dan Powell, von Haus aus Fotograf und seit Jahren auch in den Bereichen Installation und Field Recordings aktiv, dokumentiert in seinem neuen Tape den subsistenzwirtschaftlich orientierten Betrieb der Old Chapel Farm in Wales. Ausgangsmaterial waren eine Vielzahl von Objekten, die in verschiedenen haptischen Bearbeitungen zu Klingen gebracht wurden, zudem die geräusche der umgebenden Natur und Musikinstrumente, die …

Dan Powell’s “Four Walks at Old Chapel” reviewed by Vital Weekly

A few weeks ago I reviewed a CDR by Muster, a duo of James O’Sullivan and Dan Powell. Now the latter appears in a solo capacity. He’s also part of The Static Memories and Nil. I don’t think I heard his solo work before, so I had no idea what to expect. The recordings here …