Bruno Duplant’s “Écouter les fant​ô​mes“ reviewed by Vital Weekly

When I sometimes write that people like Bruno Duplant (or Celer or Machinefabriek) appear almost every week in Vital Weekly, I am doing this in a loving and joking way. I like their music, and there’s an abundance out there, so what’s not to enjoy? I say this fully, realising I’m not the one buying …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Another splendid work by Bruno Duplant, one of my current personal favourites of enigmatic and sometimes minimal composition. His Sombres Miroirs (CRONICA 188-2022) is, by his standards, positively teeming with activity and events, and in this floating richness we can hear everything from backwards orchestras to uncertain cosmic gyrations – planets spinning or nebulae drifting into the distance. Profound, …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by Audion

Although the promo blurb tells me “Bruno Duplant is a prolific composer and a musician living in the north of France. He has collaborated with many musicians around the globe and has also made solo works” he’s one of many younger musician/composers in the contemporary field that I’d never heard of before (at least to …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by Music Map

Bruno Duplant è un musicista e compositore francese. Molto attivo nella ricerca sull’avanguardia del Novecento e sulla musica concreta, l’artista è tornato in piena estate con “Sombres Miroirs”, il prosieguo naturale di “Élégie du temps présent”, pubblicato nel 2021, e seconda tappa di un trittico che si completerà con “Insondables humeurs”. L’ultimo lavoro di Duplant …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by NIEUWE NOTEN

Tot nu toe stelt Bruno Duplant, de Franse componist van elektronische muziek die net als Gintas K hier al vaker voorbij kwam, het laatsteind vorig jaar, zich bescheiden op. Er kwamen dit jaar pas twee albums uit. Bij Crónica verscheen het uit twee delen bestaande ‘Sombres Miroirs’en bij Moving Furniture Records verscheen ‘États Intermédiaires’ als cassette in de serie Eliane Tapes, waarin …

New release: Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs”

a polished and reflective surface gives us the stable and sincere image of a subjectthe subject here is the world today both planet, nature, humanity, civilizations, individualsand possibly, probably the one of tomorrow, dark in my eyes & embittered in my heart a kind of orchestral mise en abyme of these mirrorswith its moments of …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by African Paper

Der französische Komponist und Mehrfachinstrumentalist Bruno Duplant bringt mit “Sombre Miroirs” Ende des Monats ein neues Album und somit den zweiten Teil der im vorigen Jahr mit “Élégie du temps présen” (Granny Records) begonnen Trilogie heraus. In zwei auslandenden Soundscapes kreist Dupont wie beim Vorgänger um den Zustand der Welt – “planet, nature, humanity, civilizations, …

Bruno Duplant’s “Sombres Miroirs” reviewed by Vital Weekly

The man has many releases to his name, and it is tough to put his music into one particular genre. There are times when I would have said that his music fits the world of ambient music, with a penchant for the lo-fo approach, but this work is something different altogether. There is no evidence …

Rutger Zuydervelt & Bruno Duplant’s “L’incertitude” reviewed by The Sound Projector

On L’Incertitude (CRÓNICA 157-2020), we have the pairing of two very productive Europeans Bruno Duplant and Rutger Zuydervelt, collaborating together for the very first time and producing two long sides of music / sound on a cassette, whose titles might be tinged with existential doubt. French composer Duplant often comes our way via the Rhizome.s label, a home for ultra-minimal and …