The other new release is a compilation called ‘Deriva’, and that means (warning: very lengthy quote ahead, since there is no way I can summarize this) “Drift [from French dérive] is the perpetuating movement that strides from the known to the unknown, to the absurd and the unplanned. This is a condition that is generated by the observers themselves and implies a distancing from historical
events. The cultural Drift, in ethnology, is a transformation induced by internal factors within the group and not influenced by the exterior. It is alike with the continuity of a tradition when there is no longer control and comparison, like a raft facing the ocean. If within this context we consider the “Universe-System†as a closed structure, the Drift is entropy. In psychology Drift is meant as a moral and ethical connotation, it is to disconfirm a prior decision before its decline, collapse. The Drift differs consistently from the concept of Transition as it is in default of the final reference point. It embodies the unpredictable, the undefined. It could, from this point of view, be a particular type of exploration that, after everything is planned, designed, and built, is abandoned, left to itself. The abandoned landscape comes with a question that smells of drift. VacuaMoenia suggested musicians and composers an investigation on this theme. How to represent the Drift
through their medium? What practices, forms, and strategies to adopt?” The cassette contains shorter versions of complete pieces that one can find in the download. The participating artists are Simone Castellan, Stefano Giampietro, Natura Wiva, Petri Kuljuntausta, Chelidon Frame, Rinaldo Marti, Emanuele Costantini, Dimitrios Savva and VacuaMÅ“nia. I must admit I didn’t hear of these names before. All of these pieces can be found in the realm of sound art, musique concrète and, I think, digital processing. You may have gathered that I didn’t understand much of the text, or perhaps see the relevance about the pieces I heard. I enjoyed these pieces, of which none stood out in particular, nor did any fail to deliver. Solid laptop music? (FdW)
via Vital Weekly