“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Neural

Very delicate drones, fluctuating atmospheres, rarefied ambient scores and glitches, fragments of a literary universe (Proust’s, in his ‘Récherche’, several times cited as the main source of inspiration by Jorge Mantas, aka The Beautiful Schizophonic), infused in romantic empathy, ‘heart throbs’ and melancholic visions, redundant intimate experiences. A sensitivity that, in the (romanced?) figure of the contemporary laptop composer, ideally immersed into the dark of his room, lost in a ‘plunderphonic’ ecstasy, finds other similarities and elective correspondences. It’s a crystal-clear and sensual production, enriched by the contribution of José Luis Merca and Tobias Strahl, dilated in field recordings, poetic reminiscences (Cecille Schott is ‘La Letrice’), contemporary aesthetics invading the listening experience with pathos and elegance.

Aurelio Cianciotta

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