“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Maeror3

Цикл «В Поисках Утраченного Времени» Марселя Пруста – одно из тех произведений, о котором слышали все, но вот так взять и прочитать (при объеме более чем в три тысячи страниц) способны не многие читатели, еще и отпугиваемые постоянным упоминанием о том, что основной массив романа строится на потоке сознания Пруста-рассказчика, излагающего факты и события своей …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Cyclic Defrost

For this release, Jorge Mantas acts as an esthetician and a sound designer more than a composer or artist. The thematic concept around which this album orbits is one drawn from the French literary tradition, that of love lived through sadness. In particular, author Marcel Proust serves as a muse for the romantically inclined Mantas, …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Textura

Can one possibly distill the poetic depths and labyrinthine sentences of Marcel Proust’s Á la recherche du temps perdu (published in English as Remembrance of Things Past and, in recent translations, In Search of Lost Time) into musical form, and capture the bittersweet ennui that suffuses the epic’s three thousand pages? Should one incorporate actual …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Touching Extremes

Influenced by a lot of names “to be found outside the music field”, which include Proust, Poe, Alighieri, Friedrich, Waterhouse and so on, up to director Sofia Coppola and erotic photographers Guido Argentini and Roy Stuart, Portuguese Jorge Mantas wants us to call him a “sound designer”, not a “composer”. He also hates those who …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Sands-zine

Questa, per quanto ne so, è la prima vera uscita di Jorge Mantas, e l’autore tiene fede alla sua ragione sociale con un disco assolutamente schizofrenico, non tanto perché contiene atmosfere sonore particolarmente schizzate, tutt’altro, quanto perché potrebbe essere benissimo attribuibile a due o tre autori diversi. Le prime 4 piste dispensano una musica rilassata …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Onda Rock

Fuori dagli schemi e dai consueti circuiti della musica elettronica, l’artista portoghese Jorge Mantas da qualche anno a questa parte conduce le sue esplorazioni sonore sotto l’accattivante alias di The Beautiful Schizophonic. Dopo l’esordio “Hyperblue Hydrophonics” e la quasi totalità dei brani compresi nella pubblicazione “Product 06” della conterranea etichetta Crónica Electronica, Mantas pone mano …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Loop

‘Musicamorosa’ floats on the air, quite high, over there where it is calm, the solitude, silence, listening, the questions and of course the loving music [música amorosa], tender, subtle, that extends and travels beyond. Jorge Mantas aka The Beautiful Schizophonic invites us to a trip of ambient, drones and field recordings. Also this album is …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Etherreal

Il y a des labels comme ça dont on sait, dont on pense devrait-on plutôt dire par sécurité, qu’ils ne nous décevront jamais. Le label portugais Crónica Electronica fait partie de ceux-là, et ce n’est pas cet album de The Beautiful Schizophonic, pourtant délaissé au fond d’une pile, qui va nous faire changer d’avis, bien …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Basebog

Era il 2003 quando da un laptop e un minidisc nasceva Beautiful Schizophonic con il progetto ambizioso di tradurre nel linguaggio dell’elettronica un patrimonio di testimonianze estranee al contesto musicale. In ‘Musicamorosa’ vengono raccolte dodici tracce di emo-elettronica, melodie neoromantiche di sensibilità maschile che riecheggiano l’estetica di vari Proust, Dante Gabriele Rossetti fino ad arrivare …

“Musicamorosa” reviewed by Skug

Sonische Extravaganz. Der Portugiese Jorge Mantas aka TBS nennt erst mal eine Reihe namhafter Literaten, Maler, Regisseure, Fotografen und entleiht die Tracktitel gar Marcel Prousts “À la recherche du temps perdu – La Prisonniére”. Field Recordings und wenige akustische Instrumente webt der Portugiese ästhetisch glanzvoll in Dronejuwelen. Zum Teil etwas experimentell und intergalaktisch, was für …