“Täuschung” reviewed by Etherreal

Peu d’infos disponibles à propos de Davor Mikan, si ce n’est que l’artiste qui sort cet album sur le fameux label portugais est autrichien. A l’écoute de Täuschung que l’on considérera jusqu’à preuve du contraire comme son premier CD, le lien avec ses compatriotes de chez Mego nous apparaît comme tout à fait naturel, dans …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Gaz-Eta

Austrian sound artist Davor Mikan is not someone I’m all too familiar with. His main purpose in the musical realm is to develop music through a series of algorithmic variables. He admits he uses generative graphic-tools along with granular synthesis in order to transform sound. The pieces on “Täuschung” were developed over the span of …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Neural

Graphic tools and granular synthesis: this is Davor Mikan’s compositional horizon, with twisted, surly and abstract radical sonorities, but once more modulated to construct a narrative with strong emotional characteristics. This seems to be the result of the arrangements and their complicated structures, playing with contrasts, and finely researching juxtapositions of different elements. Drones and …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Touching Extremes

Based in Vienna, Davor Mikan “creates music about failure, beauty, lust and delusion in the context of psychoacoustic effects and in a personal sense (self-delusion).” Translation: this is a 37-minute CD with 31 very short tracks, which the author developed in the last four years. His procedures include algorithms, handmade music (meaning what?), generative graphic …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Music Club

Il compositore austriaco Davor Mikan realizza con questo “Tauschung” un concept esteso sulla memoria e sul ricordo, compilando trentuno microtracce elettroacustiche dove a prendere il sopravvento è la dimensione noise del suono. La suddivisione in titoli è onestamente arbitraria: tutti i pezzi – composti e rielaborati nel corso degli ultimi quattro anni – sono minimi …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Mikan lebt und arbeitet in Wien, kommt aber wie aus dem Nichts. Sein Debut (?) komprimiert 31 Miniaturen auf 37 Minuten, noisiges, teils schroffes, manchmal aber nicht unwitziges Gekritzel, meist offenbar algorithmisch, teilweise auch von Hand generiert mit “generative graphic-tools togehter with granular synthesis”, was auch immer das heißen mag. Es hört sich stellenweise wie …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Loop

This is the obtuse and abstract music of Viennese artist Davor Mikan who makes his debut on Portuguese’s Crónica Electronica label always pushing the boundaries of experimental electronic music. ‘Täuschung’ comprised 31 short tracks that collect sketched ideas of microscopic and sharp digital sounds. The music forms the most unpredictable shapes and mathematics angles. This …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Bodyspace

Coisas há que passam melhor sem serem detalhadamente explicadas. Ou seja, tudo o que daqui em diante se acrescentar acerca de Täuschung não só atraiçoa o potencial do seu factor armadilha-surpresa, como humedece a pólvora acumulada num barril cujo conteúdo corrosivo e cacofónico faz com que todo o glitch associado aos piores pesadelos passe agora …

“Täuschung” reviewed by The Wire

Vienna based Mikan’s broken english is strangely helpful in highlighting the existential and creative confusion that informs these 31 short pieces, conceived using graphic tools and granular synthesis. “After four years, the distance to this music is completely lost,” he writes. He cannot recall what emotional spasms gave rise to these knotty, fragmented scrawls of …