“Leise” reviewed by The Sound Projector

The great Frans de Waard is Holland‘s finest, here performing under one of his many guises, and has been associated with deep and droney instrumental projects for a long time. This is his third CD as Freiband. Here, you must devote your time to carefuly exploring ten tracks f quite and slow and exquisite music, …

“Leise” reviewed by Vital

Freiband is one of the musical projects by the ever-prolific Frans de Waard. With Frans being one half of Beequeen and me being the other half, it is a bit difficult to be fully objective about this CD. However, to me, Freiband is one of the most interesting projects Frans is involved in. The reason …

“Leise” reviewed by e/i magazine

Much music prods at the spirit of the child, that fatuous pendant, which has since been mired in so many petty proclivities. Taking root in young Elise’s pussyfooting around with sheets of metal, paper, sticks, plastic and other musical and nonmusical instruments, one might be quick to lump this work in with all the others …

“Leise” reviewed by Chain DLK

Besides being a cult hero of mine for his activity in a theory of projects (Kapotte Muziek – r.i.p. -, Goem, Shifts, Beequeen, Wander…) and his heroic “Vital Weekly” newsletter, Frans de Waard is also a father, and various raw sounds produced by his daughter Elise (hence the title anagram) were used to assemble this …

“Leise” reviewed by Neural

Shrill and charming sounds, bass and iterated frequencies, hypnotic drones, synthetic vibrations, hinting also to organic dimensions. Similarly to metallic insects’ breaths, in the dark bubbling of weird spaces and settings, this Frans De Ward solo release makes use of old recordings, sifted through different software programs, with a conceptual cut and paste extremely coherent …

“Leise” reviewed by D-Side

“Dis papa, ze peux zouer avec tes trucs, là?” C’est sans doute la question que la petite Elise De Waard a posé à son père, Frans De Waard, fondateur de Beequeen, Freiband et Kappotte Muziek, alors qu’elle n’avait que trois ans. Evidemment aux anges, celui-ci l’a laissé jouer à sa guise avec ses plaques de …

“Leise” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Hinter FREIBANDs Leise (Crónica 026) vermutet man erst mal einen weiteren Segeltörn über den Stillen Ozean of Sound. Aber der Titel entpuppt sich als Anagramm von Elise, Frans de Waards Töchterchen. Der Künstler-Vater begegnet, ähnlich wie die in gleicher Lage befindlichen RLW, Rafael Toral oder Ekkehard Ehlers, der mütterlichen Alternative ‚Kapotte Muziek oder kaputte Beziehung. …

“Leise” reviewed by Liability

Freiband est l’incarnation, on le sait, de Frans de Waard (Kapotte Muziek, Goem, Beequeen) mais pour ce nouveau projet on pourra l’associer à sa fille, Elise, qui, pour une grande partie, est responsable de ce que contient ce disque. Si Mark Nelson s’était servi de sons prénatals, de Waard a utilisé la spontanéité de son …

“Leise” reviewed by ultrasonica.it

Un po’ troppo estremo questo terzo lavoro di Frans de Waard, elettroacustica allo stato ‘quasi-puro’ creata manipolando le registrazioni fatte alla piccola figlia Elise, intenta a giocare con oggetti metallici, carta, bacchette e altri ‘soprammobili’ vari… in definitiva un noiosissimo album di elettronica ‘pseudo-colta’ fatto perlopiù di ‘sfrigolii’ e battimenti. Spero non me ne voglia …

“Leise” reviewed by bodyspace.net

Quando a Crónica parecia prestes a garantir uma escuta estável e sedativa, a partir de um disco criado com base num contexto terno e familiar, eis que Leise veda abruptamente o estabelecimento de qualquer empatia imediata entre a presença electro-acústica de Freiband (projecto excepcional do holandês Frank de Waard) e de quem o escuta. Além …