“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom” reviewed by France Musique, Tapage Nocturne

C’est sous le pseudonyme d’@c que les portugais Miguel Carvalhais et Pedro Tudela viennent d’éditer leur 7ème album et leur troisième collaboration au catalogue du label Crónica basé à Porto. Miguel Carvalhais et Pedro Tudela sont des compositeurs chevronnés de musique concrète, ils utilisent des prises de sons réalisées en studio, sur scène ou en extérieur …

“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom” reviewed by Loop

This is the seventh instalment – and the third for Crónica – of Porto based duo Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais. This CD took to Miguel and Pedro two years of production and comprised five years of live, studio and field recordings, work inspired from several artists that in this album found their contributions by …

“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom” reviewed by Le Son Du Grisli

Les Portugais Miguel Carvalhais et Pedro Tudela, ou @c, travaillent à une musique électroacoustique en passe de perdre son acoustique mais convaincante quand même. Sur Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom, trouver quelques combinaisons malignes : de field recordings européens et de reverses velléitaires, de souffles effacés par le mouvement soudain d’un archet sur violoncelle, …

“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom” reviewed by Jazz e Arredores

Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom, disco recente do duo portuense @C (Miguel Carvalhais e Pedro Tudela) regista uma experiência criativa que lida com a microtonalidade e a criação de sons digitais e/ou digitalizados produzidos em ambiente laptopiano, tanto em circuito fechado como em espaço amplo e aberto ao longo de um período de cinco …

“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom” reviewed by Vital

Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela are @C, armed with their laptops they play mostly improvised music. However, important, they don’t release improvised music. How is this possible. Their improvisations are restricted for playing together, in a concert like situation, with or without audience. All of the resulting recordings are taken into the studio and used …

“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom” reviewed by Boomkat

Although by no means one of the more prominent acts currently operating in the microsound field, @C have consistently made valuable contributions to the genre, publishing work through labels like Sirr, Room40, Grain Of Sound and of course, Crónica. For this album, the duo render vivid acousmatic soundscapes from a variety of recordings: room sounds, …

“Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom” reviewed by Distorsom

Com um título fisgado na realidade intangível das partículas sub-atómicas, Up, Down, Charm, Strange, Top, Bottom é o sétimo álbum dos portugueses @C, e o terceiro na sua própria editora. Os ficheiros que estiveram na origem do disco foram registados entre 2002 e 2007, em diferentes locais espalhados por vários países, incluindo apresentações ao vivo, …

“v3” reviewed by La Vanguardia

Pese a su cercanía, la escena experimental portuguesa goza de escasa difusión en España. Una auténtica lástima, pues se trata de una de las más activas y atractivas del sur de Europa. Queda esto claro en las últimas referencias del sello luso Crónica: tanto el colectivo audiovisual @c como Durán Vázquez – junto al australiano …

“v3” reviewed by ei magazine

A tide of new producers increasingly peg their work as “experimental” although few it seems have meditated on what it means to generate such work. The cliché is that experimentalism is characterized by its difficulty. Experimentalism is that which challenges us in our listening practices or our expectations of structure and convention. However, when carpetbombing …