“Täuschung” reviewed by Bodyspace

Coisas há que passam melhor sem serem detalhadamente explicadas. Ou seja, tudo o que daqui em diante se acrescentar acerca de Täuschung não só atraiçoa o potencial do seu factor armadilha-surpresa, como humedece a pólvora acumulada num barril cujo conteúdo corrosivo e cacofónico faz com que todo o glitch associado aos piores pesadelos passe agora …

“Täuschung” reviewed by The Wire

Vienna based Mikan’s broken english is strangely helpful in highlighting the existential and creative confusion that informs these 31 short pieces, conceived using graphic tools and granular synthesis. “After four years, the distance to this music is completely lost,” he writes. He cannot recall what emotional spasms gave rise to these knotty, fragmented scrawls of …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Cyclic Defrost

The thirty-one tracks on Täushung betray a nest of family resemblances, but they are lost on the one who, using graphic tools and granular synthesis, gave rise to them in the first place. Some four years later, the atmosphere, as it were the corona of lightly indicated uses that accompanied their first gesticulations now appears …

“Täuschung” reviewed by France Musique, Tapage nocturne

Davor Mikan est un musicien autrichien d’origine bosniaque, il fait partie de ces expérimentateurs sonores radicaux qui composent sans aucune concession pour nos capacités auditives. Le label Cronica édite courageusement aujourd’hui son deuxième album. Intitulé Täuschung, il présente une suite de 31 vignettes sonores principalement constituées de distorsions, de déflagrations, de déchirures, de silences et …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Spex

Davor Mikan hätte vielleicht gut daran getan, nicht jedem der 31 Stücke auf »Täuschung« (Crónica) einen Titel zu verpassen: Man sollte sich jedenfalls nicht von einer etwas witzlosen Albernheit wie »Der Eisverkäufer explodiert einfach« von dem Vorhaben abschrecken lassen, sich mit diesem durchweg interessanten, zuweilen sehr spannenden Album auseinanderzusetzen. Was auf den ersten Eindruck oft …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Vital

From Vienna comes one Davor Mikan, of whom I never heard, ‘where he creates music about failure, beauty, lust and delusion in the context of psychoacoustic effects and in a personal sense (self-delusion)’, as it is said on the blurb. He is using generative graphic tools together with granular synthesis to transform sound. Whatever that …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Comunicazione Interna

In “Täushung” il viennese Davor Mikan ha riunito materiale elettronico elaborato nel corso degli ultimi 4 anni – si tratta di 31 tracce brevi se non brevissime – ed il risultato finale non lascia granché soddisfatti: un lavoro eccessivamente frammentario e sostanzialmente asfittico, dove entrano scarti digitali, frequenze disturbate, glitches manipolati, ritagli di forme ancora …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Jazz e Arredores

Trinta e uma pequenas peças, ásperas como um raio, mas o certo é que à segunda, terceira passagens, as linhas mais angulosas parece que se limam um pouco, ajustando as peças para uma escuta mais conveniente. Falo do mais recente lançamento, o trigésimo (parabéns!), da editora lusa CRÓNICA, Täuschung, do austríaco de origem bósnia, Davor …

“Täuschung” reviewed by Le Son Du Grisli

Sorties de l’ordinateur personnel de Davor Mikan, les 31 pièces qui composent Täuschung parlent de silences et de sons détériorés, renferment les preuves sonores d’une identité en construction et du bestiaire étrange dont elle ne peut se passer. Projetée, l’audace électronique – qui peut frôler l’absurde au point d’interdire toute connivence avec l’auditeur – n’en …