“Shattering Silence” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

Hi, I’m going to continue today with the next release in my now ongoing series of reviews of releases on the CRÓNICA label. Today I have for you this 2010 album by MOSAIQUE by Portugese artist Jan Ferreira who records here under that name MOSAIQUE. The album download is in 16-bit/44.1kHz CD quality and also …

“Shattering Silence” reviewed by Musique Machine

Mosaique is Jan Ferreiras a Portuguese musician and on this album he is exploring areas new to him. To quote his own words….. “In this release I worked for the first time with analogue synthesis. It was new territory so I spent long time exploring timbres and textures and what especially drew my attention was …

“Shattering Silence” reviewed by De:Bug

Der Portugiese Jan Ferreira beschränkt sich bei diesen Aufnahmen ganz bewusst auf wenige Werkzeuge zur Erzeugung und Bearbeitung von Klängen. Sein gutes Dutzend Tracks arbeitet mit Feedback, Verzerrung und analoger Klangsynthese, ist klanglich meist äußerst minimal und oft bewusst “billig” gehalten und wirkt wie live mit wenig Equipment improvisiert. Völlig abstrakte Tracks wechseln sich dabei …

“Shattering Silence” reviewed by Rockerilla

L’artista portoghese residente a Berlino Jan Ferreira, in arte Mosaique, ha pubblicato fino ad oggi solo dischi in formato digitale, disponibile gratuitamente sul sito della Cronica (cronicaelectronica. org). Shattering Silence è l’ultimo della serie è anche il migliore: una raccolta di quattordici tracce , per più di cento minutio di durata, che mette bene in …

“Shattering Silence” reviewed by Gonzo

Het lijkt de Portugese componist Jan Ferreira. alias Mosaique, op ‘Shattering Silence’ vooral te gaan om een onderzoek naar de kleur en vorm van klanken. Wellicht komt dat voort uit het feit dat hij voor deze release (de tweede vor het Crónica-label; beide releases zijn gratis te downloaden bij het label, als onderdelen van Crónica’s …

“Shattering Silence” reviewed by Monsieur Delire

Mosaique is electronician Jan Ferreira, whose previously released Filare (2008) on Crónica. Shattering Silence is a bold proposition that tries to do too much. It’s simply too long at 1h43min, it would have been better edited down to an hour. Some of the tracks seem to present the same ideas, despite the fact that the …