David Lee Myers’s “Superpositions” reviewed by The Wire

Early in his career, New York based audiovisual artist David Lee Myers discovered guitar effects boxes. He has since become adept at channeling internal electronic feedback by wiring together systems where inputs are fed at their own outputs, guiding electrons through hidden, ouroboric pathways. Superpositions, a new cassette for Portuguese experimental label Crónica, demonstrates a …

David Lee Myers’s “Superpositions” reviewed by Loop.cl

David Lee Myers is a visual and sound artist who lives in New York. Since 1987 produces electronic music under his own name or under the pseudonym Arcane Device. Today he has a discography of 20 albums in Generator, ReR, Silent, RRRecords, Staalplaat, among other labels. The first time I listened to David Lee Myers’s …

David Lee Myers’s “Superpositions” reviewed by Westzeit

David Lee Myers (früher auch als Arcane Device unterwegs) hat für die MC Superpositions (Crónica) seine Feedback-Apparate in den “sanft”-Modus versetzt und betreibt eine spartanische, aber konsequente Klangsynthese. Relativ wenige Ereignisse aus schmatzenden Schaltkreisen, diese aber bestens organisiert. Kein reines Experiment, sondern durchaus auch “Musik”. Für Menschen mit offenen Ohren. 5/5 Superpositions by David Lee …

David Lee Myers’s “Superpositions” reviewed by Touching Extremes

I just love how David Lee Myers ends his notes for this cassette release, to the point that a quote is inevitable: “Feedback is far more than a public address system in misalignment; it is a core principle of universal importance.” He is, of course, referring to the inexplicable criteria of self-regeneration at the basis …

New release: David Lee Myers’s “Superpositions”

Witness the common phenomenon of feedback such as produced inadvertently through poorly configured microphones and loudspeakers in public amplification situations: the sound coming from the speakers finds its way back into the microphones and produces an uncomfortable squealing sound. The component elements are electronic and acoustic, the latter involving air movement and vibration of physical …

“Superpositions” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Maybe you have been reading Vital Weekly for such a long time that when you read the name David Lee Myers you will automatically think ‘Arcane Device’, which was his moniker from the late 80s to the mid 90s, followed by a retirement. In recent years however he revived Arcane Device, as well as releasing …