Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by Neural

Boa-Língua in Portuguese literally means “good tongue”. This expression is often used in contrast to “bad tongue” that is “small talk”. For his second album Siria used structures of his former work, Cuspo. She used them as organising principle for the structure (9 songs in one sequence, the final one being a repetition) and length …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Last heard Síria with her 2018 solo cassette Cuspo, and she’s here today on the same label with a new tape called Boa-Língua (CRÓNICA ELECTRONICA 155-2020). Diana Combo created this work using much the same methods as before – her own voice being the most prominent feature, along with field recordings, sampled records, and found recordings, all processed in the studio according …

Philip Samartzis & Eric La Casa’s “Captured Space” reviewed by Neural

Even in Kruger National Park (South Africa), a huge subtropical area, crossed by many rivers and by the Tropic of Capricorn, hosting the provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga, it is possible to identify a sharp division between natural and constructed landscapes. The latter are definitely smaller and made almost exclusively to allow the tourists to …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

Welcome to review number 113 on Fluid Sonic Fluctuations in which today I’m featuring the fairly recently released album by Síria titled Boa-Língua. I received this album as a review copy linking to a Bandcamp download code from the Crónica label. Crónica is the label which actually inspired me to start this blog and over …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by Silence and Sound

Le nouvel opus de Diana Combo alias Síria, prend racines dans des exercices vocaux dont l’intention de départ n’était pas d’en faire des morceaux, mais qui le sont devenus par la force des choses. La volonté et l’inconscient font parfois faire des choses qui nous dépassent, il n’y a qu’à se laisser guider par ces forces intérieures qui …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by Groove

Die Portugiesin Síria verwittert auf Boa-Língua (Crónica) ihre wunderschönen Gesangsstücke ebenfalls durch Rauschen und Feedback. Wo Craig noch hin und wieder ein Piano oder eine Akustikgitarre als harmonische Grundierung zulässt, vertraut Diana Combo fast ausschließlich der Kraft ihrer Stimme – und der Kraft der Nostalgie auf der Kippe in morbider Düsternis. Die eindeutige Melancholie der portugiesischen Volksmusik und die …

Síria’s “Boa-Língua” reviewed by Kathodik

Il secondo album della sperimentatrice portoghese Diana Combo (aka Síria / Eosin), amplia e sintetizza all’osso quanto di buono mostrato nel precedente “Cuspo” del 2018 (anche quello su Crónica e come questo, in limitata edizione su nastro, dunque, veloci…).Vinili manipolati, field recordings, metalli trattati, l’inaspettato, stralci di canzoni trovate/cantate, tutto in scultoreo fermo immagine da azione performativa (ovvia e prevista dalla Combo, …