Pedro Rebelo’s “Listen to me” reviewed by The Sound Projector

We last heard Portuguese composer Pedro Rebelo in 2011, when he played stiff classical piano on Faint for the School of Music and Sonic Arts of Queen’s University in Belfast. He’s here today with Listen To Me(CRONICA 161-2020), a process based electro-acoustic thing which seems to continue the academic lineage to some degree. The starting point is scientific research conducted at …

Pedro Rebelo’s “Listen to me” reviewed by Kathodik

Il compositore e sound artist portoghese Pedro Rebelo, nel 2017 si è ritrovato a poter seguire un gruppo di ricerca sull’applicazione delle nanotecnologie nell’ambito della sicurezza alimentare presso l’International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory di Braga, avendo cosi l’opportunità d’immergersi nel particolare panorama acustico offerto dai laboratori in cui questa avviene.Macchinari in fasi cicliche, stridori, sibili e riavvolgimenti, …

Pedro Rebelo’s “Listen to me” reviewed by Rimas e Batidas

No texto em que se apresenta Listen to me, na página reservada a este lançamento na plataforma Bandcamp, explica-se com algum detalhe o percurso artístico e académico de Pedro Rebelo, artista, investigador e pedagogo com impressionante currículo, que é actualmente Professor de Artes Sónicas na Queen’s University de Belfast. Rebelo foi recentemente agraciado com dois importantes subsídios pelo …

Pedro Rebelo’s “Listen to me” reviewed by Vital Weekly

This is the first work I hear by Pedro Rebelo, who studied in Edinburgh music and architecture. He did “participatory projects involving communities in Belfast, Mare, Rio de Janeiro, Portugal and Mozambique”, sound installations and concerts. For this work, he uses recordings he made at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory in Braga, Portugal. A place …