Isabel Latorre & Edu Comelles’s “For Pauline” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Minimalist accordion tones from Isabel Latorre and Edu Comelles on their cassette tape For Pauline (CRÓNICA 144-2018). As readers may have guessed, it’s inspired directly by the music of Pauline Oliveros, herself now regarded as one of the “greats” of American minimalism and feted for her innovative empowering ideas and sensitive performing skills. The work was intended as a realisation …

“For Pauline” reviewed by Oro Molido

Esta grabación en casete es un homenaje al ejercicio musical de la escucha profunda. Género acuñado por Pauline Oliveros a su obra musical. Ese clima sosegado de plenitud que eleva nuestra energía como un aura purificadora llega a alcanzar altas cotas con la inspiración que Isabel Latorre realza con su acordeón microtonal en esta grabación …

“For Pauline” reviewed by Loop

What brings together in 2016 Valencian accordionist and composer Isabel Latorre and sound artist Edu Comelles, were the theories and philosophy of the late North American composer Pauline Oliveros.Comelles commissioned Latorre to perform a free interpretation of Oliveros’ Deep Listening which was recorded in a live concert in Valencia in May 2017. At the same …

“For Pauline” reviewed by Neural

For the lovers of contemporary experimentations (with obvious reference to avant-garde music of the second half of 20th century), the name of Pauline Oliveros is a key figure, not only for the unconventional use of her instrument, the accordion, but also for composition and theory. In the five books she left us she developed a …

“For Pauline” reviewed by Fluid Radio

Valencia’s accordionist and composer Isabel Latorre and sound artist Edu Comelles met in 2016. A couple of months down the line, and Comelles had commissioned a concert for Latorre: an interpretation on the Deep Listening philosophies and principles of Pauline Oliveros. The commission was scheduled to be premiered at the Ensems Festival in 2017, of …

New release: Isabel Latorre & Edu Comelles’s “For Pauline”

Valencian accordionist and composer Isabel Latorre and sound artist Edu Comelles met in 2016 working on a third-party project. During that process Comelles recorded some samples of Isabel’s instrument. A few months later, before Pauline Oliveros passed away, Comelles commissioned Latorre a concert meant to be a free musical interpretation of Oliveros’s Deep Listening theories …

“For Pauline” reviewed by Fluid Sonic Fluctuations

Hello, I’m excited to present to you my first advance review on this blog of an upcoming release, in this case on CRÓNICA. This is the new Limited Edition Cassette and Digital Album release by ISABEL LATORRE & EDU COMELLES titled FOR PAULINE, it will be released on both formats on November 20, but I …

“For Pauline” reviewed by Vital Weekly

When I started to play this tape, I first assumed it was blank; it took quite some time before there was any music to hear, even when the volume was turned up quite a bit. This is a split cassette but there is also something that makes that both sides belong together. Latorre and Comelles …