Sun Dog’s “Col des Tempètes” reviewed by The Sound Projector

Nice piece of voice-with-electronics improvisation by Sun Dog, the team of ErikM and Isabelle Duthoit. Col Des Tempètes (CRONICA ELECTRONICA 192-2022) comes to us from January 2022 and ErikM points out that it’s one in an informal series of such voice-collaborations he’s worked on, including ones with Phil Minton and Catherine Jauniaux. Duthoit comes to us from a classical music background and …

Sun Dog’s “Col des Tempètes” reviewed by Kathodik

Elettronica (ErikM) e voce (Isabelle Duthoit), a cercarsi fra movimenti materici e fissità sibilanti.Tra microinceppi e ricordi di azioni fisiche (Glacière), cupi crepacci in cui scivolare (Radome), echi, di quel che pare un flebile canto in lontananza, come ululato trasfigurato dal vento (Rocher de cire), ascolto di una pausa interiore (Trois faux), attesa e osservazione …

Sun Dog’s “Col des Tempètes” reviewed by Silence and Sound

A peine s’est on remis d’Echoplasme, qu’eRikm (électronique) nous propose un nouveau projet tout aussi envoûtant et singulier, aux cotés d’Isabelle Duthoit (voix). Avec Col des Tempètes, le duo dessine des paysages surnaturels, habités par une faune aux faux-semblants familiers et d’êtres fantômatiques à la présence inquiétante. C’est par touches que Sun Dog nous fait …

Sun Dog’s “Col des Tempètes” reviewed by Salt Peanuts

eRikm (aka Erik Matt) is a French sound artist, electronics player, composer, improviser and visual artist, who has made a life-long habit of crossing all territories and «world-systems» deemed «independent», «institutional», and is known for his collaborations with Christian Marclay, Thurston Moore, Otomo Yoshihide and vocal artists Phil Minton, Catherine Jauniaux, Natacha Muslera and Dalila …

Sun Dog’s “Col des Temp​è​tes” reviewed by Vital Weekly

Behind Sun Dog, we find the duo of Isabelle Duthoit (vocals) and ErikM (electronics). Of the latter, I heard before. He’s been around since the early 90s when he came on the improvised music scene armed with electronics, such as CDs, miniDisc and other electronics. He played with Luc Ferrari, Christian Marclay, Thurston Moore and …