“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Bad Alchemy

Unter dem seltsamen Künstlernamen O.BLAAT veröffentlicht die in Brooklyn lebende Japanerin Keiko Uenishi mit Two Novels: Gaze/In the Cochlea (Crónica 012~2004 + data track/quicktime) erstmals Beispiele ihrer Powerbookperformances. Die Konstrukte, die sie mit einem speziellen “tapboard.effector.soundsystem” entwirft, hat sie bereits auf Festivals, in Museen, Galerien und Clubs von New York bis Wien, von Bordeaux bis …

“v3” reviewed by Etherreal

Une nouvelle sortie sur le label portugais Cronica, ne faisant que confirmer la qualité de celui-ci, il est vrai très pointu, et à la croisée de différents styles musicaux. Ambient, noise, electronica, et ici une fusion plus originale encore, mélangeant ambient, minimal-techno, et musique improvisée puisqu’il s’agit en l’occurrence de plusieurs concerts enregistrés l’année dernière …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Loop

This is the first solo offering of Keiko Uenishi a sound artist who is based in Brooklyn, New York. Among her collaborations emphasizes her participation in Marina Rosenfeld’s 17 piece guitars/laptop orchestra under the name ‘Sheer Frost Orchestra 2000’ and in the laptop and electronica quartet along side to Ikue Mori, Kaffe Matthews and Marina …

“A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, vol.2: Ubiquitous Eternal Live” reviewed by Vital

Just like the first volume, I really like the title of this work. In this first volume Autodigest delt the compression of music, the new volume is about ‘all the audiences ever recorded and has them share one hour of hysterical, progressively apocalyptic applause’. And that’s what you get: people clapping their hands, cheering, shouting. …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Repellent Zine

I wonder just how angry Mr. Eric Satie (the turn of the century composer) would be if he were allowed to live and see what has become of his legacy. Mr. Satie, well perhaps, was first and perhaps foremost in asking for and then making music like…err…as furniture to fill a place and make it …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Downtown Music Gallery

O. Blaat is our old friend Keiko Uenishi, former tap dancer and early member of the downtown scene. She has been booking an unusual international cast of electronic(a), DJ’s and sonic manipulators for the Sub-Tonic Lounge weekly for a few years, as well as helping organize electronic(a) festivals upstairs at Tonic on occasion. Besides all …

“Two Novels: Gaze / In the Cochlea” reviewed by Liability

O.Blaat c’est qui, c’est quoi? O.Blaat c’est tout simplement Keiko Uenishi, artiste basée à New York et qui est surtout connu pour ses créations sonores interactives qui ont fait le bonheur de bien des salles et d’évènements artistiques. Ainsi on l’a vu se produire à travers les Etats Unis et l’Europe (Allemagne, Autriche et France). …

“v3” reviewed by Touching Extremes

Sometimes it happens: from ruthless music generators a pulsating living organism comes to manifest itself, leaving questions and doubts behind, letting people have a glance to an uncertain definition of future without panic – instead confirming one’s will to go over the easy paybacks of “educated” instrumental voices. Seaming together three different live exhibitions, @C …

“v3” reviewed by Bodyspace

O resultado fala por si mesmo: v3 é a intersecção de múltiplas linhas, o local puro de confluência de várias estéticas naquilo que é a procura de Pedro Tudela e Miguel Carvalhais de alcançar a perfeita combinação de vários componentes. Os primeiros dois temas flutuam por entre camadas mais ambientais, imprevisíveis estrépitos e bulícios, texturas …

“v3” reviewed by Radio Italia Network

“V3” è il terzo album di @C che si focalizza, ancora, su uno stile assai sofisticato mai preso in seria considerazione qui in Italia se non da etichette underground quali Betulla, Idroscalo e, talvolta, Final Frontier. ‘Ambient’ è la password d’accesso per @C, il musicista portoghese che raccoglie in “V3” tre recenti performances tenute presso …